Hi All, well I had my last subcutaneous chemo injection yesterday and will have my bone marrow biopsy on the 5th December but if my paraproteins are anyth8ng to go by the chemo mix has worked well. Down from 17 to 4 as of last week, great news. My stem cell harvest is on the 12/13th December. I have decided to hold off on the transplant, which would have been in January. I have made radical changes to my diet, my home life, my exercise and my mental state and just want a chance to see if I can keep the Myeloma at bay with these changes. Apart from the fatigue on steroid drop off days I am feeling amazingly well and very positive that this is 5he right route for me at this t8me. The harvest and storage of my cells whilst they are at such a low Myeloma level gives me an insurance policy should I need it down the line as they can keep them for an indefinite amount of time. We will see what happens. Looking forward to getting my brain and energy levels back. With regard to steroid drop off, my doctor also halved the dose and I tried sloping off by taking 10 tabs on the morning of chemo injection, then three the next day and two the third. It worked much better as you don’t fall off a cliff on day three! My haematology doctor was happy for me to continue this for the remainder of the cycles, it really helped. I highly recommend finding yourself a good acupuncture practitioner. I use a Five Element practitioner and it has received my symptoms enormously and kept my liver, spleen and gall bladder talking to each other and all systems in harmony. I literally go in feeling knackered and skip out full of energy. I’m hopeful about the future and feel positively charged with hope. Good lick to you all.