ner replied to the topic Someone else learning to live a different way in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 11 months ago
HI Dick,
So sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Im sure it hasnt sunk in yet, if it ever does!! My mum is also 49 and was diagnosed september 2012. She is currently on velcade and dex and is in the myelom x1 trial. She like you was very young to be diagnosed with MM but as i am quickly learning age means nothing to this disease!!
It must be…[Read more]
ner replied to the topic my mum has myeloma. first time post in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Jane,
Hope your well. I read on your post that your to start your treatment next week.I do hope it goes well for you and that your paraproteins come down. We're all ok at the moment thank you, things have been pretty steady for a while really. Mum was told on friday that she will have another 2 cycles of this treatment which takes us to the…[Read more]
ner replied to the topic my mum has myeloma. first time post in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Tom,
Nothing selfish about that!! Why shouldnt you want as much remission as possible! I hope you get it you deserve it!!:-D . Ive read loads of your posts on here and you seem to be a huge help to everyone.
Love nerys xxx
ner replied to the topic my mum has myeloma. first time post in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Liz
thank you so much for your post. It sounds like you too have had a heck of a journey with myeloma. I have to say that your strength and positivity and obvious love for life gives me and im sure alot of people on here a lot of hope! Its fantastic that your in remission and able to enjoy life to the fullest despite the disabilities myeloma…[Read more]
ner replied to the topic my mum has myeloma. first time post in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 12 months ago
HI everyone,
Wow thank you all for your replies! your all amazing and so kind to share your experiences. Although it is awful that there are so many people on this site im sure you'll agree its comforting to speak with people that understand!
There is no mention of an operation for now for my mum, the tumor has gone with the radiotherapy but…[Read more]
ner replied to the topic my mum has myeloma. first time post in the forum Newcomers 12 years ago
HI Andy,
Thank you so much for your reply. Your information was brilliant thank you and has answered the question i didnt understand!FRom what you say then 2.7 is quite low allready. Its such a shame that the disease attacked mums spine in that way and caused the compression because from what youve said the actual myeloma disease could be a lot…[Read more]
ner replied to the topic my mum has myeloma. first time post in the forum Newcomers 12 years ago
Hi Jane,
Thank you too for your reply. Im sorry to hear that you have also just been diagnosed with Myeloma, the shock is awful isnt it. It must be good that your paraprotein levels are going down and fantastic that you have no damage to your bones at the moment, i hope it stays that way for you. The myeloma seemed to attack mums spine from the…[Read more]
ner replied to the topic my mum has myeloma. first time post in the forum Newcomers 12 years ago
Hi Sandra,
thank you so much for your reply.Im really glad to hear you are in remission, thats great news and really positive and nice to hear. I hope your able to lead as normal a life as possible even though you cant work any longer. I cant believe it took almost a year for you to be diagnosed, i sympathise so much. we watched mum go through…[Read more]
ner started the topic my mum has myeloma. first time post. in the forum Newcomers 12 years ago
Hi everyone.
Although this is my first post on here I have been reading the forum for a few months now and firstly want to say thank you, I have found this site very informative,comforting and inspirational.
My mum was diagnosed in September and like most of you was a massive shock. Mum is only 49 and up until this point has been very healthy.…[Read more]