onlyme started the topic Hereditary link????. in the forum General 14 years ago
Hereditary link with myeloma??
Just a quick note … has anyone got any thoughts on whether Myeloma is hereditary??? any research to prove it is or it isnt?
Am curious because with some of the other cancers it has a proven link to whether there is a genetic link….and screening is available for family members.. daughters etc? (Breast…[Read more]
onlyme replied to the topic Treatment has started …. in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
Hi how are you and hows your Dad doing???
Just a little note to see how things are going at your end??
mum is doing ok finding some days harder than others..
Been thinking about how you got in in the end?
only Me!!
onlyme started the topic Only Me !!. in the forum Side-effects 14 years ago
Hi everyone,
I have not been on in while, heres hoping everyone ok.. Mums doing fine just finding it hard after the three days, in each week, where she takes the strongest concoction …..
It totally knocks her for six…
Mum is trying to do everything that she did originally although I am trying to slow her down and tell her its ok to say she…[Read more]
onlyme replied to the topic Hi all sorry I have not been on here in a while…… in the forum General 14 years ago
Hi what a lovely re assuring tale and I admire you, for what you have both been through and now having the strength to look back and re assure everyone else it can be such lovely outcome…
I am going to read this over and over again, when my mum finally goes in for the SCT… it will give me such boost…
Well done to both of you for getting…[Read more]
onlyme replied to the topic Treatment has started …. in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
Hi Clara,
If I can pass on what I learnt, whether it will help you at all, I dont know, and I suppose each case with MM is different so am not sure if your Dad will be the same..
But My mum is 67 and like your Dad, is quite a young 67!! So when I went with Mum and Dad for the appt, I was expecting three boxes …consisting of the CTD!!..…[Read more]
onlyme replied to the topic HOT AND SPOTTY in the forum Side-effects 14 years ago
Thats good news that you back on track too and feeling good again after little dip!!
You make sure you look after yourself and get lots of rest.. I am sure the time will come for you to be wonder woman again!!!!.. We all like to think we can keep going and are ok when deep down our bodies know differently!!
Take care and keep in…[Read more]
onlyme replied to the topic Treatment has started …. in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
Hi.. thank you for your comments.. yes the booklet is beginning to make sense.. and the tick chart is making the medication easier to administer…
I am wanting my mum to make a diary… only 'few words' on each day so she can see how she responds to the tablets.. and can see if pattern emerges!! but its probably too early days yet…
I think…[Read more]
onlyme replied to the topic Am new on here! in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago
Hi all thank you for your kind wishes…
Well a little setback…Mum felt bit unwell after day one but we are back to normal and doing really well.. Mum is in hospital with low potassium levels, but is going to be coming out tomorrow and is feeling lot chirpier!!! All been rectified and after a few bags of saline, we back on course and things…[Read more]
onlyme replied to the topic New to Dad with Myeloma in the forum Newcomers 14 years, 1 month ago
Hi Hope that you are ok..
Have been thinking of you today as we seem to be both at the same point …. you with your dad and me with my mum !
Sending you best wishes to you and your family… Lots of love to your dad and hope the chest gets better very very soon..
We have just started the CDT today, athough boy is it minefield.. but am…[Read more]
onlyme started the topic Treatment has started ….. in the forum Treatment 14 years, 1 month ago
Hi.. well am back .. only me!!!
Treatment has started today… what a minefield to take in… CTD and lots of other tablets… went and managed to try and take it all in but it just seems so much… this tablet then, this tablet there, this tablet there and few more on top !! Think we were all in shock how big the bag seemed to be…!!…[Read more]
onlyme replied to the topic New to Dad with Myeloma in the forum Newcomers 14 years, 1 month ago
Hi Clara … Can't answer any of your questions … But what can do is send you lots of love as you battle your way through things … I am new too so can identify with all the initial queries … Good luck tomoro my mum starts cdt tomoro too xx take care hope u get answers u need xx
onlyme replied to the topic Am new on here! in the forum Newcomers 14 years, 1 month ago
Hi just wanted to send my best thoughts back to you too…
It is daunting and frightening, and this site is very re assuring as we can find things out if we choose too… I am hoping you are geting the info you need..
onlyme replied to the topic Am new on here! in the forum Newcomers 14 years, 1 month ago
Hi David thank you ……It was piece of jigsaw that I couldnt find.. the trigger that would start things off for transplant!! Thank you……I will listen out for her levels of paraprotein, if that is the indicator…
I have read up about the transplant and seem to be aware of things that will happen from the harvest, it all seems so clever…[Read more]
onlyme replied to the topic Am new on here! in the forum Newcomers 14 years, 1 month ago
Wow, what a lovely sight greeted me this morning all these lovely replies.. thank you and what a welcome I have received!!
All is calm and we are getting used to the idea of the Myeloma topic being quite strong one at the moment! I have spent this week reading up on the subject but am only going on trusted websites.. ie here!!
Mum is starting…[Read more]
onlyme started the topic Am new on here!. in the forum Newcomers 14 years, 1 month ago
As you can probably tell I am new on here.. Mum just been diagnosed.. Really not sure what to expect… All I can say is the Myeloma
org were really good and efficient in getting a pack to me to read up on..
Not sure what my mum and dad are reading(If anything) but feel better being armed with info on what to expect over the next few months as…[Read more]