pamn replied to the topic Advice please – first SCT in July, in tips in the forum Treatment 7 years, 8 months ago
Hi Amme and Heather. Hope you are recovering steadily Amme and either home soon or there already.Also good luck to you Heather and hope that your bone marrow results indicate the levels needed to proceed with the SCT whilst you feel ready ,and want it here and over asap. I can really understand that ,as much as I feel anxious I just want to get…[Read more]
pamn replied to the topic Anyone with P 53 Gene deletion ? in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 8 months ago
Hi Helen. Thanks for the advice re ” hospital musts ” to take in with me . We’re having a few days away next week before the SCT and glad of a break from both drugs as I had 2 cycles of VTD PACE in May and June and appointments . Hope you have luck in finding a donor. Best Wishes Pam
pamn replied to the topic Just been diagnosed!! in the forum Under 50s 7 years, 8 months ago
Hi Rob I hope now being home you are steadily feeling stronger. You sound to have a strong and positive attitude and got through the worst period despite feeling grim for a few days. I’m due to have my SCT on July 11th and any advice and positive feedback is really helpful and reassuring . Good luck and thanks. Pam
pamn replied to the topic Advice please – first SCT in July, in tips in the forum Treatment 7 years, 8 months ago
Hello Amme and Heather, Thanks for that advice and suggestions for preparing for SCT as I’m due to have mine on July 11th too. Has your skin been sore / dry ? I was recommended Udderly Cream for feet and hands .Feeling grim plus the past few days heat must have been awful. Wishing you both a good recovery and the best of luck in the future. Pam
pamn replied to the topic Transplant in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 8 months ago
Hi Greg . I was glad to read your response to Coffey as I too have the same decision to make about an allo transplant. My initial own stem cell transplant is in 2 weeks but the Doctors are recommending a Tandem allo around Christmas. I have great reservations as the statistics don’t seem good and the after effects sound gruelling if you are…[Read more]
pamn replied to the topic Anyone with P 53 Gene deletion ? in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 8 months ago
Hi Helen, thanks for getting back to me .Sorry for not replying earlier but I’ve been in and out of hospital. Yes ,not only getting your head around having the Myeloma but to find that it doesn’t respond well to treatment is a blow. How has your health been both with the Myeloma and also responses and side effects of the different drugs ? I f…[Read more]
pamn replied to the topic Anyone with P 53 Gene deletion ? in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
Hi Jane. Yes glowing nicely and about to start my final cycle of V-DTPACE tomorrow which will add to the glare!! Cisplatin,Cyclophosphamide ,Etoposide and Doxorubicn are given over 6 days intravenously and VTD as injection and tablet. I’m an in patient this week and 2 1/2 hrs from home ,which is tricky ,but having done it for the first cycle a…[Read more]
pamn replied to the topic Anyone with P 53 Gene deletion ? in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi jellytot,thanks for getting back to me. I am planned to have a final cycle of V-DTPACE starting next Monday , my Consultant is hoping that the para proteins will get below 10 ( not great ) but plans to start the next step for harvesting stem cells anyway and then work towards a Tandem Transplant around Christmas. So…[Read more]
pamn started the topic Anyone with P 53 Gene deletion ? in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
Hello. I was diagnosed with Smouldering Myeloma in Dec 2015 and also that I have P 53 gene deletion which at the time meant nothing . I continued in good health, however in Dec 2016 my para proteins rose significantly and I started VDT with few side effects, but after 4 cycles the levels weren’t reducing and I am currently having my 2nd of VDT…[Read more]
pamn became a registered member 7 years, 9 months ago