pennylawson replied to the topic SCT Colin in the forum Treatment 12 years, 8 months ago
/ Vicki and Colin and others
Hope all goes well whatever your decision. Logged in tonight because I'm going in for SCT on Monday. I've set up a blog at and anyone on here is welcome to follow it, hoping to update it when i can for a blow by blow account of how I get on! Feeling well and strong so here goes..
pennylawson replied to the topic allogeneic SCT in the forum Treatment 13 years ago
Thanks Eve and Jet
I'm only at the thinking about it stage so far. Autograft planned for June/July, but it has been suggested I could go for a tandem transplant and I'm interested to learn more about the pros and cons. Wish you the very best with yours Jet.
pennylawson replied to the topic Starting CDT in the forum Treatment 13 years ago
Hi Mavis. I'm on my fifth 4 week CDT cycle and its not been too bad at all. Still working part time, more tired than normal, but thalidomide makes you sleep like a log. Steroids are the worst bit for me, but manageable. And the hair question…mine has got slightly thinner, and greyer, but that could be just age! Hope you get on OK and you are as…[Read more]
pennylawson started the topic allogeneic SCT. in the forum Treatment 13 years ago
All you helpful people….has anyone any experience of an allogeneic stem cell transplant? I'm out of my depth before i even start giving it serious thought. Thanks for any guidance, I know its a big question.
pennylawson replied to the topic What is stem cell transplant really like? in the forum Under 50s 13 years ago
Tina and Kay
Great to hear more good rerports of SCTs, thanks. Had a good chat with folk at Aberdeen, nice caring people. My cell collection date is 20th April, transplant late June/early July?? Just want to get on with it now. Would you normally carry on with CDT chemo in between collection and SCT? I've heard different stories, but I would…[Read more]
pennylawson replied to the topic What is stem cell transplant really like? in the forum Under 50s 13 years ago
Stuart and Jules, thank you for directing me to your blog. It's great, lovely pics as well as very interesting first hand account. Glad it all went so well, hope you are still doing fine. Still waiting to find out how soon I can get my SCT, but when I do I'll use you as a role model!
All the best
pennylawson replied to the topic What is stem cell transplant really like? in the forum Under 50s 13 years ago
Elizabeth, thank you so much for your post, yours is exactly the type of story I need to hear. It does seem true that there is a huge variety in the way people are affected by SCT, but great to know not everyone has a hard time. Glad you 'sailed through', hope your back problems are improving now too. I am working on getting as fit and healthy as…[Read more]
pennylawson replied to the topic What is stem cell transplant really like? in the forum Under 50s 13 years, 1 month ago
A big thank you to all of you for sharing your SCT stories, great to hear first hand experiences and it sounds like you've all been through a lot and come out smiling, mainly at least. I'm going to Aberdeen for the first time to discuss it on 28th Feb, so at the very early stages, but although I've known this was on the cards its only now that the…[Read more]
pennylawson started the topic What is stem cell transplant really like?. in the forum Under 50s 13 years, 1 month ago
As there seems to be a very limited number of other myeloma patients here in Highland, and even fewer medical professionals with experience of treating younger ones, I'm hoping this might be a way to hear some first hand stories and advice.
I'm 44,diagnosed last Nov and have been on CDT since then. I've responded really well and really…[Read more]
pennylawson replied to the topic Outdoors Paul Lightchains is the word! in the forum Under 50s 13 years, 4 months ago
hello everyone
just been diagnosed and very happy to find there are other relatively young folk out there with myeloma, as in some ways I feel 75 rather than 44 since my diagnosis a week ago. I used to run, cycle and walk in the mountains all the time so finding it very hard to slow down, but glad I am fit and young and in a good place to fight…[Read more]