piatkaz started the topic Calcium levels in the forum General 10 years, 6 months ago
I’ve MM for6.5 years then all of a sudden I get told my calcium levels have gone up and showing slight increase in kidneys have been in hospital for 3 days having seline flushs and calcium levels dropped has anybody else had issues with this just a bit paranoid as this illness makes you.Yust started 2nd cycle of Pom and dex
Thanks Ian
piatkaz replied to the topic cramps in fingers in the forum Side-effects 10 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for the reply’s I was given Quinine sulphate and take it on the first and second day’s of taking steroids and it is really helping with the cramps.
Many thanks Ian
piatkaz started the topic cramps in fingers in the forum Side-effects 10 years, 10 months ago
Hi All
Just checking to see if anyone has the same symptons its when I take re,cyclo and dx within a day of taking these my fingers cramp and lock in together I have to force the fingers out and and stretch them with a few aches,It’s doesnt allow me to hold things with my fingers such as pen, knife and folk etc this only usually lasts for the…[Read more]
piatkaz replied to the topic Decisions – To have a transplant or not!! in the forum Treatment 10 years, 11 months ago
Hi Mandy
I’ve had a tanderm transplant auto then a mini allo using my brothers cells in 2011 only got a year out of the allo but we are all different currently on rev and cyclo I was diagnosed in 2008 Jan and still here.I found the actual allo alot easier to get over as you dont have a high dose chemo.Like someone else mentioned there are a lot…[Read more]
piatkaz started the topic and a new relapse. in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Been on velcade i just started my 8th cycle of velcade the light chain results were rising minimal but have risen now to 70,Got to nip to Birmingham tomorrow and discuss my next treatment,oh was looking for some time off treatment possibly going on revlimid what are the side effects of this and what is the procdure in taking it
Thanks Ian
piatkaz replied to the topic Wow that Velcade must be good stuff! in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Pete
Thanks for the reply i know its was a long time ago but what treatment and dates were your not on treatment and on treatment it's 9 years since you were diagnosed and to have had only one ASCT is amazing,let us know how the scan results are if you want you can e-mail me on piatkaz@aol.com
All the best Ian
piatkaz replied to the topic Wow that Velcade must be good stuff! in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Nicki
When i was on Velcade it hammered my lightchains down from 2000 to 30 on one cycle and after auto Stem cell I only got 18 months remission but you look on this forum and many have had years everyone is different,I'm even on velcade again for the next treatment and it's hammered it again I've been diagnosed for 5 years and still going…[Read more]
piatkaz replied to the topic Wow that Velcade must be good stuff! in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Pete
Wow 4yrs remission from velcade hope I get something like that I was diagnosed Jan 2008 had C-Vamp then stem cell transplant that only gave me 18 months remission,then had Velcade for 6 cycles then a mini allo using brothers cells but only got 12 months remission but similar to you my results lightchains were ok but ended up having…[Read more]
piatkaz replied to the topic leg muscle weakness in the forum Treatment 11 years, 12 months ago
Hi Tom
Had my next treatment this morning and had my dex reduced to 10mg so far no problems with my legs touch wood and had the velcade subcut also, that way really does reduce the side effects of the velcade.
Onwards and upwards
piatkaz replied to the topic leg muscle weakness in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi I spoke to my specialist and she seems to think it's because of the Dex so thinking of reducing it.
piatkaz started the topic leg muscle weakness. in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi…Just checking in to see if anyone else has had te same symptons the last 2 evenings I've found it hard to stand up from sitting down feels like my thigh muscles are very weak.
I had my Zometa and velcade subcut and 20 mg of dex yesterday and just my dex today,I had these symptoms yesterday evening then all ok this morning just a little…[Read more]
piatkaz replied to the topic Croaky/husky voice on Dex in the forum Side-effects 12 years, 1 month ago
Hi Ozzy
Yes i had the husky and high pitch voice whilst on Dex am still on it and still get it also suffer with hiccups for the days I'm on dex.Hope all goes well for you.
piatkaz replied to the topic hi from another newbie!!! in the forum General 12 years, 2 months ago
Hi Steve
Welcome to the site,Sorry cant help with the issue with kidney problems I just have issues with bone damage but after treatment,radiotherapy and surgery I'm doing well.I see you mentioned eye trouble I am on Velcade also, This is the second time I've had Velcade on the first lot of treatments (Nov 2010)I suffered with eye trouble…[Read more]
piatkaz started the topic Curcumin. in the forum General 12 years, 8 months ago
Hi…Just checking to see if anyone is or have been using Curcumin as a supplement,if so where do you get it from,what dosage,when to take it,is it in a capsule etc.It seems to be taken a lot in America as a supplement and have seen they are doing trials with it in America at the moment.
Thanks Ian
piatkaz replied to the topic radio therapy in the forum Treatment 12 years, 8 months ago
Cheers Tom (twinkle toes) I'm lucky I've only got 5 to have 25 would do my head in,I've made the most of today been out fishing and got a nice red face from that thing in the sky I think it's called the sun made the most of it before the treatment started.
onwards and upwards
piatkaz started the topic radio therapy. in the forum Treatment 12 years, 8 months ago
Start my radiotherapy tomorrow only 5 days Thurs,Fri, Mon,Tues and Wed on my neck vertebrae and two small spots on my upper ribs.I am going to go on Velcade the Tuesday after (24th) I had this treatment about 18 mths ago and because it put me in CR they are going to use it again so leaves other options for a later date,Only having it once a…[Read more]
piatkaz replied to the topic restless feet in the forum Side-effects 12 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for all the replies,I had surgery on my neck putting a cage around my vertebrae (C6) due to the pesky mm destroying it and was taking gabapentine for the nerve pain,I stopped taking this a week ago due to pain in neck subsiding and found out through a friend (Deb) that this is used for PN so took it again last night and had best nights…[Read more]
piatkaz replied to the topic restless feet in the forum Side-effects 12 years, 8 months ago
Hi Gill
I have got neuropathy from old treatments but not like this strange how it's just started up when I'm not started any treatment yet
piatkaz started the topic restless feet. in the forum Side-effects 12 years, 8 months ago
Just wanted to see if anyone suffers from restless feet it's hard to describe but your feet ache and you keep wanting to scrunch your toes up,while your active and walking it's ok but as soon as you sit down you get this odd feeling in your feet and and the more you think of it it makes it more uncomfortable not painful but weird.Bedtime seems…[Read more]
piatkaz replied to the topic failed allo in the forum Treatment 12 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for all the replies,David you said you had similar procedure how long is it before the backache subsides due to the stretching of the spine in the operation,Not hurting just aches I know it's only been 12 days since the op but just woundering.
Thanks Ian