shirley replied to the topic Sad news in the forum Under 50s 12 years, 5 months ago
Rachel,please accept our condolences,such sad news of Paul,stay strong & please don't hesitate to come here and have a cry,scream and let of steam,thoughts are with you and your family,take care Shirls & Stephen x x x
shirley replied to the topic Sleeping so much! in the forum Side-effects 12 years, 5 months ago
Hi Jane, i must confess i was terriable, i'd sleep til 2-4 in the afternoon,get up have tea,a bath fresh pyjammy's,then back to bed,i started to become quite depressed,like you i have the most fantastic and most patient husband in the world,and i wasn't being fair to him,he gave his work up to become my full time carer,and all i did was sleep. But…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic Hair in the forum General 12 years, 5 months ago
Hi Faith,i'm on my second growth with my hair,like you found it dry and brittle,i just use normal shampoo for dry and brittle hair,but before i use the hairdryer i put a very small drop of serum on my hand and massage it through my hair,it stops it frizzing,don;t look dry at all,just soft and shiney,hope you have found something and good look. 🙂
shirley replied to the topic Kyphoplasty in the forum General 12 years, 8 months ago
Hi Myra,first of all you shouldn't have to put up with any pain,nobody has to. I was in a very similer situation,i had a verterbre procedure done,and i don't regret it one little bit. Whatever you decide i hope you make the right choice for you,take care Shirls x x
shirley replied to the topic failed allo in the forum Treatment 12 years, 8 months ago
Hi Ian, its been awhile since i've been on here and had a proper read on other peoples post, i'm so sorry you mini allo failed,you been in alot of pain with your neck,lets hope now that you've had your operation you'll be back on that road to recovery. I also like to apologise for not replying to your e:mail,i deleted it by…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic Brocho – Bridget Rochfort in the forum General 12 years, 9 months ago
Dear Siobhan,me and my husband Stephen are so very very sorry to hear about your mum, please accept our sincere condolences,although we never met and i do wish i could meet some of you fellow sufferers,she always had something inspirational to say,she was a lovely lady,may your precious memories of her always be cherished, and Bridget may you rest…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic Kevs relapsed! in the forum General 12 years, 9 months ago
Liz i'm so sorry.i called your husband Micheal and not Kev,i do apologise,so very sorry,Shirls 🙂 🙂
shirley replied to the topic Kevs relapsed! in the forum General 12 years, 9 months ago
Hi Liz,very sorry to hear of Micheals relapse,glad they managed to treat him so quickly too. Lets hope its not to long before he's back on that road to recovery once the new meds kick in,both stay strong and take care Shirls x x
shirley replied to the topic I love My Mum gone but never forgotten x in the forum General 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Michelle,so very sorry to hear about your mum,our sincere condolences are sent to you and your family,take care Shirley & Stephen x x x
shirley replied to the topic Facebook in the forum General 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Carole,i'm on face book quite often,my name is Shirley Sparnon from Plymouth,hope to see you on there soon, ttfn Shirls x
shirley replied to the topic Newcomer… in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 11 months ago
Hi Tony, hello & welcome to our site,you have enrolled yourself to the best support group for myeloma,but please remember we are all at differant stages of this disease,i was diagnosed 3yrs ago with 1gg kappa,at the moment i'm in remission and doing ok,i do hope you find this website useful,gonna blow me own trumpet but we are a great group,were…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic allogeneic SCT in the forum Treatment 13 years ago
Hi Ian,hows you today,i've just read your thread to Penny,can i ask you, are you suffering with this GVHD,if how has it affected you. I've been quite poorly with mine,had a couple of stays in hospital,i stared of with cold sore on my lips,ulcers and blisters in my mouth & tongue,then it affected my eyes,but its badly affected my breathing,i've now…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic allogeneic SCT in the forum Treatment 13 years ago
Hi Penny,like to say Eve is spot on,i did have an allogenic transplant just over a year,i was diagnosed in August 09,had my 1st transplant(autogenic)in January 10,and then that summer they decided for me to have a allogenic,so they tested my brothers & sisters,and we found one match.The sct is much easier because you know what to expect.Recovery…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic Spring is on it's Way! in the forum General 13 years ago
Hi Chris,my congratulations to you & Lena on your forthcoming marriage,. Good to hear your doing well and that your pp's are coming down,and hopefully you get to have SCT,take care and best wishes Shirls 🙂
shirley replied to the topic LUMBAR KYPHOPLASTY in the forum General 13 years, 1 month ago
Hi Glenn,Sounds like your doing really well,and lovely news to hear that your tumour has gone,i had the same thing,but i never had a klapaplasty,i had a vertreplasty,best thing i ever had done,with the klapaplasty i think they insert balloons,to raise it up,where as what i had done,was sightly differant,with me the cemented my T11 & T12,i had back…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic Red Itchy Eyes Post SCT in the forum Side-effects 13 years, 1 month ago
Hi Wendy i can certainly sympathise with you there,i've had a sore left eye sinse Aug/Sept,mine is part of the GVHD,i've taken all sorts,but vistotears are great,takes the itchyness right down,i still have the bad eye but it is getting better,oh and lacralube is good too,hope you manage to get hold of some let us know how you get on take care for…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic Good News Good News in the forum Treatment 13 years, 1 month ago
Awe thats great news Gill,you & Stephen must be so thrilled,this is truly inspirational news well done Stephen,hope it won't be long before you turn back into a teddy bear for Gill,you both deserve it,take care for now and keep praying for more inspirational news.Best wishes Shirls & Stephen x x
shirley replied to the topic REMISSION. in the forum General 13 years, 2 months ago
Fabulous news,especially for Slim. You can both sit back and plan that cruise/holiday that you both so rightly deserve,take care Shirls x x x
shirley started the topic Hello everybody. in the forum General 13 years, 2 months ago
Hi Everyone,just me wanting to say hello and ask if you had a lovely christmas/boxing day,i had a fabulous time,although it was very long and very tiring towards the end,but super day,husband,stepchildren spoilt me,my wonderful neice and nephew were invited to our house,they came and it was the case of Aunty Shirls sit back and enjoy the day and…[Read more]
shirley replied to the topic Chest Infection in the forum Side-effects 13 years, 2 months ago
Hi Keith,thats me all over,i had my flu jabs done about 3weeks ago,and this week i've had a pretty bad cold and it went onto my chest,like you i'm totally fed up with the hacking cough,some sleepless nights,but i've to be careful cuz i've lung damage,anyway i do hope you feel better in time for next week festivities,Merry Christmas xShirls :)…