Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post. Albert is due for an MRI scan on his head next sunday. Meanwhile the lump is still growing, once again he has holes appearing in his skull..i am surprised he has enough bone left for them to eat through. He has had radiotherapy on his spine about 3 years past. Last year he had a pin placed in his thigh as the bone was almost falling apart. This week he has an appointment with his Rhuematologist as he has suffered with severe ongoing rhumatoid arthritus for the past 20+ years. But apart from all this, his main problem is stomach cramps which reduce him to tears as no-one still has given us a positive explanation of the cause. Albert had his lower bowel removed after unbelievably being diagnosed with bowel cancer 4 years ago… yes, he really is a fighter but losing weight and buckling under lately. I am sure you can all imagine the stress and depression he is going through…and yes, it does rub off on me. But reading through this website is very helpful. So inbetween work and running around, i will make time to visit you all on here.
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