rickharwood posted an update 1 year, 10 months ago
I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in August 2016 I had Ctd chemo for 6 months and have been in remission until the 12 of April thus year when my blood results showed that I now had Smouldering Myeloma and am due to start a further procedure of chemo on the 9th May. I have just found out a new treatment plan DVD is available and I will show…[Read more]
rickharwood posted a new activity comment 4 years ago
Hello Delano,
I am so sorry that I have not read your post till now but I do hope that you are now into your treatment and are responding well to this.
Please don’t be scared or frightened by MM I was diagnosed in August 2016 and started Chemo CTDa Clycophasamide, Dexamethasone, Thalidomide and Zomorphand Fragmin on the 1/9/2016 I was a very a…[Read more]
rickharwood posted an update 4 years, 3 months ago
Well I am now in my fourth year of remission and keeping as fit as I can playing golf. I am fortunate that my blood tests are now every 4 month instead of 3 but always become a little anxious as the test and appointment with the specialist come round as like all Myeloma’ patients it can be a worrying time. Can take this time to wish all M…[Read more]
rickharwood posted a new activity comment 4 years, 3 months ago
Hi Rosie sorry to hear mil is not keeping to well and do hope that the IRD treatment becomes more tolerable the more treatment she has. I am lucky that I am still in remission and still trying to keep as fit as I can even though this terrible COVID-19 has curtailed my playing golf and staying indoors as much as possible. I do hope that mil’s t…[Read more]
rickharwood posted an update 4 years, 8 months ago
It’s very interesting to read all the letters with regards shielding. I was diagnosed with MM in August 2016 and after a six months of Chemo of CTDa I was in remission. I am a 76 year and always was fit and healthy until the cancer took hold. I now have blood tests every three months which have all been positive, after my last test and b…[Read more]
rickharwood posted a new activity comment 4 years, 8 months ago
Claire, I am 76 years old and was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in August 2016 after suffering much the same symptoms as yourself. I had Xrays and Scans and then put on a six month CTDa Chemo programme, this has put the Myeloma in remission until the present time. I was a very fit 72 year old at the time and wondered what the future would be…[Read more]
rickharwood posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago
Rosie sorry I haven’t been in touch but I have had trouble logging onto the system.
Can you let me know how MIL is doing.
I am still in remission and keeping as fit as I can.
Hope you are well.
Regards Rick
Hi Rick,
So sorry! I have only just seen your message. Thank you so much for thinking of us. My Mil is not good at the moment. She’s recently started on IRD (3rd line treatment) and has found the side effects intolerable. She’s also suffering with terrible pain at the moment. Hope you are ok?Are you still in remission? I do hope so. I Will be pos…[Read more]
Hi Rosie sorry to hear mil is not keeping to well and do hope that the IRD treatment becomes more tolerable the more treatment she has. I am lucky that I am still in remission and still trying to keep as fit as I can even though this terrible COVID-19 has curtailed my playing golf and staying indoors as much as possible. I do hope that mil’s t…[Read more]
Thanks very much Rick. So pleased to hear you’re still in remission, that’s great news. I’m sorry you’ve had to miss out on your golf because of the awful virus. Fingers crossed you’ll be able to play again soon. All the best to you. Stay safe, Rosie
rickharwood became a registered member 6 years, 4 months ago