Hi, your message was inspiring and I look for hope. I’m a half full glass girl aged 56 I was diagnosed with myeloma in January having had backache for a couple of months. I knew I had MGUS but never thought it would turn into myeloma luckily I’ve had scans biopsies etc. quickly, with a bit of a nudge I’m having my third chemo this Friday so I’ve started my marathon and my only thoughts are to get better and get back on the fun bus. I don’t waste any time worrying about what’s coming up I just deal with it on the day. So much so I forgot that I wasn’t supposed to eat after 9.30am as I had a PET scan in Cheltenham and at 12 o’clock I was chopping on a cheese sandwich luckily they slotted me in later on in the day! Worrying, It’s too much energy and we need to save ours for this journey. Constantly saying to my sister as she’s a real worrier 95% of what you worry about never happens.
I keep positive eat healthy lots of protein and have had to up my calories & I drink gallons of water & a good walk every day. Also try and keep off citrus as I don’t want a sore mouth or throat so far it’s worked. I believe I can keep a healthy body & mind. It will get me through this. One thing is notable I’ve always kept healthy and fit and I’m about nine stone and have been that weight most of my life and I’m immensely proud how my body has sustained a real bashing the last four weeks and it just goes to show that all the hard work over the years keeping fit is paying off now to get me through it. I wish you all well on your journey and hope that one day they can find a cure and I’m planning on getting another good 10 years out of my life to see that happen.