Thank you – the consultant just referred to it as Myeloma. They were going to start chemo instantly and then decided as there were no bone lesions to leave treatment for now and look again next month. She is currently on steroids for PMR which has similar symptoms to this and has been myeloma in waiting for many years! She has not taken well to the steroids for the PMR and can be quite a negative person so I was left with the feeling they would try to postpone treatment for as long as possible as they were not sure how it would go for her mentally as well as physically.
Do you know if there are Myeloma nurses that I could perhaps arrange to come visit her to explain things further or do I just sit tight and await next months consultation and news?
Mum gets confused easily (she feels this is due to the current steroids she is on) so we have left it as she knows what she has but it does not require treatment this month so to enjoy this month and to take each week as it comes.
My brother is 54 and livesĀ with her but I think is struggling himself to keep things together and quite frightened of where this is all going but unable to ask the right people or help and support.
I live a couple of hours away and finding it difficult to know how best to help!
Sorry long post – just getting it off my chest!!