sarajmorgan started the topic Sleep and myeloma in the forum Meeting topics and speakers 7 years, 10 months ago
Dear All, I was chatting to Douglas this morning (North West London Support Group Leader) and he mentioned that he’d watched the Michael Mosley documentary last week on the BBC about sleep –
He said it had inspired him to think about asking a ‘sleep consultant’ from the…[Read more]
sarajmorgan replied to the topic GP diagnosis in the forum General myeloma / treatment etc 7 years, 10 months ago
Hi David and all Support Group Leaders
Just to follow up on the news story about diagnosis which generated so much interest and debate on the closed facebook page.
We’re updating the Myeloma Diagnosis Pathway we have for GPs at the moment and will be asking people to take this to their GP surgery for Myeloma Awareness Week 21-27 June.
Please…[Read more]
sarajmorgan started the topic Macmillan training workshops in the forum Ideas exchange – great and small 7 years, 11 months ago
Dear All,
Further to my email asking for topics that you’d like to see covered in an educational webinar session, David Simister very kindly forwarded on details of Macmillan’s training workshops which take place in the North West. I’m sure that there would be other similar events run by Macmillan throughout the UK so I thought i’d forward them…[Read more]
sarajmorgan replied to the topic Spending a grant in the forum Fundraising and finance 7 years, 11 months ago
Hi Monica, Sara here. I hope you get a good response to your post. Just to say that hearing from support group leaders regularly as I do, I tend to find that most groups use one off grants to help them fund social activities. Mini-bus hire to take them out for a day trip, entry fee for tourist attractions or theatre tickets etc. Something to give…[Read more]
sarajmorgan started the topic Programmes for 2017 – trifold leaflets in the forum Ideas exchange – great and small 8 years ago
Dear All,
David Simister (West Lancs and Sefton Support Group Leader) has been in touch to let us know that the leaflets that Myeloma UK produced for the Group, advertising his 2017 programme, are beginning to have an impact. They are getting noticed and people are joining the Group as a result!
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the…[Read more]
sarajmorgan replied to the topic Tri-fold leaflets a success in the forum Ideas exchange – great and small 8 years ago
So pleased that the trifold leaflets are working and are generating interest. I will post a thread asking other leaders what impact their leaflets are having as it might encourage Groups who don’t yet have one to think about producing one. Thanks David.
sarajmorgan replied to the topic Tri-fold leaflets a success in the forum Ideas exchange – great and small 8 years ago
So pleased that the trifold leaflets are working and are generating interest. I will post a thread asking other leaders what impact their leaflets are having as it might encourage Groups who don’t yet have one to think about producing one. Thanks David.
sarajmorgan started the topic Support Group produces end of year report in the forum Ideas exchange – great and small 8 years, 2 months ago
Hello all, I just wanted to share with you an example of an end of year report which one of the Support Groups (West Lancs and Sefton) have put together. It includes a great round up of the year’s meetings and other useful information and might be something other groups will want to consider doing if they don’t already have a newsletter or regular…[Read more]
sarajmorgan started the topic Support Group produces end of year report in the forum Ideas exchange – great and small 8 years, 2 months ago
Hello all, I just wanted to share with you and example of an end of year report which one of the Support Groups (West Lancs and Sefton) have put together. It includes a great round up of the year’s meetings and other useful information and might be something other groups will want to consider doing if they don’t already have a newsletter or…[Read more]
sarajmorgan replied to the topic Sara's visit in the forum Meeting topics and speakers 8 years, 3 months ago
Thanks so much for having me. Great to meet everyone and to be able to give you all a bit of a update on whats been happening at Myeloma UK. Sara
sarajmorgan replied to the topic Manchester Patient Infoday in the forum Meeting topics and speakers 8 years, 4 months ago
Thanks David for supporting the event and promoting your group. Its always good to see local Groups participating at Infodays so please bear this is mind if we have an Infoday near your Group next year and let us know if you want to join us and have a table to display information about your Group.
Thanks, Sara Morgan (Support Group Lead)
sarajmorgan replied to the topic Successful grant funding application in the forum Fundraising and finance 8 years, 4 months ago
Thanks Joan. Information about local community foundations can be found here: Do take a look as you might be surprised by what’s on offer locally. Sara Morgan
sarajmorgan replied to the topic Guess how much is in the whisky bottle? in the forum Fundraising and finance 8 years, 5 months ago
Great idea David and an easy but effective way to raise funds for the group or for Myeloma UK. I know lots of groups do have raffles at their meetings from time to time.
I know South Wales Myeloma Support Group also had a simply and effective fundraising idea that they used at a local festival they attended to raise money. Pick a square where…[Read more]
sarajmorgan replied to the topic Leaders meeting at Reading in the forum Ideas exchange – great and small 8 years, 6 months ago
Thanks so much David. A report and all the resources we covered at the Workshop will be available to everyone soon. Sara
sarajmorgan replied to the topic Leaders meeting at Reading in the forum Ideas exchange – great and small 8 years, 6 months ago
Thanks so much David. A report and all the resources we covered at the Workshop will be available to everyone soon. Sara
sarajmorgan started the topic Facebook pages for Support Groups in the forum Miscellaneous 8 years, 6 months ago
Do any other Support Groups out there have Facebook pages for their Groups and if so, what do you use it for and how well received has it been? Oxford Support Group are thinking of setting one up but wanted to get the views of other Leaders first… Thanks, Sara Morgan
sarajmorgan started the topic Facebook pages for Support Groups in the forum Miscellaneous 8 years, 6 months ago
Do any other Support Groups out there have Facebook pages for their Groups and if so, what do you use it for and how well received has it been? Oxford Support Group are thinking of setting one up but wanted to get the views of other Leaders first… Thanks, Sara Morgan
sarajmorgan started the topic Successful grant funding application in the forum Fundraising and finance 8 years, 6 months ago
Guernsey Myeloma Support Group were successful in applying for £1,000 from a local charity event. Would anyone be interested in finding out more about how they went about it and what their application looked like? Sara Morgan
sarajmorgan replied to the topic Myeloma UK Stem Cell Transplant Survey in the forum Treatment 10 years, 11 months ago
Dear All,
Thank you to all those who participated in the online Stem Cell Transplant survey conducted by Myeloma UK last year. We have now produced a report outlining the key findings and recommendations, which can be accessed at the following weblink:
Thanks again…[Read more]