Hi Roz
I'm sorry I haven't replied sooner, I have been ill for over a week with flu. I am so sorry to hear of Michael's deterioration. You asked me how I coped with my husband in the same situation. I too, like yourself was beside myself with heartache seeing the love of my life end up like this. I think you already know that the time is near and its absolutely soul destroying for you seeing Michael in his present state. Gary died in hospital, at the time we were going to discuss him coming home to die but in the end he was far too ill to be moved. He came off Revlamid and all his medication on a Wednesday evening and he passed away on Friday teatime. His body just shut down and he was in no pain as they gave him controlled pain relief. He was very peaceful in the end. You will know when its time, I did. He was in a room of his own (P4 ward) which I requested for dignity, and he was surrounded by all his loved ones, we all stayed at the hospital for 2 nights and the staff were marvellous with us. The only thing I would say is really think about him coming home, looking back I think it would have been much harder to cope with. Its definately not easy for you being disabled yourself, my heart goes out to both of you, nothing anyone can say can make any difference to how you feel. I'm sending a big hug to you both, I really do know how you feel, keep strong Roz, your'e amasing. Take care
Susan Mason xx