
  • susie replied to the topic I need encouragment in the forum Treatment 9 years, 11 months ago

    Hi, Thanks for your replies. I guess the other day was a sorry for myself day. The Cyclophosphamide certainly seems to affect me. I have felt really ill since taking it on Wed. My CNS said they can adjust how I take it, so I have an appt on Tuesday and I’m just hoping whatever they prescribe will enable me to take it without such awful side…[Read more]

  • I’m half way through cycle 2 of RCD (on Myeloma 11 trial) and I seem to be getting so many side effects. Having been told by my consultant in the beginning that ‘most people sail through treatment’ I don’t know if I am unusual in reacting to all these drugs. It seems my whole day is taken up with what tablet to take and when. I live on my own and…[Read more]

  • susie replied to the topic The pain is back… in the forum General 9 years, 12 months ago

    I’m sorry to hear this news Tom. I wish you the best and hope they get you into remission as soon as they can.

    Keep your chin up and keep to Tom senior’s saying.


  • susie replied to the topic Testing for MM in the forum Newcomers 9 years, 12 months ago

    Hi Mel

    Welcome to a very good forum. You will find lots of very knowledgeable friends on here.

    Try not to worry about the Bone Marrow. I have gas and air when I have mine and its really not too bad with that. You can ask for sedation but I don’t think all hospitals give it–takes you longer to get over the sedation than the BMB.

    Wish you the…[Read more]

  • susie replied to the topic Following " is it progressing" in the forum Newcomers 10 years ago

    Hi Karen

    You say your results are going up. What is your paraprotein . If your fatigue is fatigue, surely that would be a symptom. I don’t know where you’re being monitored but I was monitored for MGUS for 2 or 3 years before I suddenly became active. My pp’s started at 30 but a bmb only showed 2-3% cells, but I now think I must have been…[Read more]

  • susie replied to the topic Following " is it progressing" in the forum Newcomers 10 years ago

    Hi Karen

    Well I finished my first cycle and I have to say it was worse than I thought it would be. Apart from feeling quite unwell, I had this awful headache all the time, together with vision problems which became more frequent as the cycle went on. I found it very frightening, and was worried my eyesight was going to be affected. However, on my…[Read more]

  • susie replied to the topic Help needed! in the forum General 10 years ago

    Signed. I hope you get good result. Best of luck.


  • susie replied to the topic Following " is it progressing" in the forum Newcomers 10 years ago

    Hi Gary

    thanks for your reply and all the info you gave me. It sure helps to hear other peoples reactions to all these drugs. I wait to get a build up of side effects but I do hope I don’t have to approach your 22 cycles.

    I wish you the best

    Susie x

  • susie replied to the topic Following " is it progressing" in the forum Newcomers 10 years ago

    Hi Gary
    Thanks very much for your info. Its good to know I’m not unusual in what I was feeling. It was just so scary to feel like that when I hadn’t been warned, but I’m ok now.
    I was already on Lansoprozole for hiatus hernia but I didn’t know if I could take some Gaviscon, which I can.
    You say to take the cyclophosphamide after food but I was…[Read more]

  • susie replied to the topic Following " is it progressing" in the forum Newcomers 10 years ago

    Hi Gary
    By the time yesterday evening came I felt absolutely awful. I’d had a peculiar headache all day, I looked totally dreadful, and felt it too. Didn’t think I would feel so bad on the first day. The CNS told me I wouldn’t feel side effects for about a week. I spoke to my CNS today who told me I can take paracetamol and Gaviscon for the…[Read more]

  • susie replied to the topic Following " is it progressing" in the forum Newcomers 10 years ago

    Hi Gary

    Thanks for your reply. It quite cheered me up.
    I started my treatment this morning. I think I’ve taken 26 tablets, I’m puzzled why the tablets are so small strength, meaning I took 10 Dex (2mg) and 10 cyclo (50mg), weird. at least tomorrow I don’t take the cyclophosphamide. I’ve carried on as normal plus drinking like a fish, washing…[Read more]

  • susie replied to the topic Following " is it progressing" in the forum Newcomers 10 years ago

    Well I went for my last pre drugs consult and to collect the drugs as well as having the CNS explain everything. I can’t remember half of what she said and am totally gobsmacked by the drugs they have given me. How people get their heads round it I don’t know, I’m still trying to put together some sort of chart so I know what to take and…[Read more]

  • Hi Karen

    I’m sorry to hear the problems you are having getting a diagnosis. Its so worrying I know.

    What is your paraprotein and have they done a bone marrow. All I can say is what was told to me and that is, if the cytoma wasn’t there I too would be a watch and wait but shorter monitoring periods.
    Where did you get your second opinion…[Read more]

  • Hi Mike

    Thank you for your reply. My MRI had been reported on by a Neuroradiologist saying I had a herniated disc, several compressed discs, and an L1 compression fracture, but from the sacral bones down, “all was normal”. That gives a person confidence when a few weeks later my haemo consultant tells me I have a Plasmacytoma the size of a…[Read more]

  • Hi Mavis,
    I have decided not to do the antibiotic trial. I researched the drug and the side effects/interactions are beyond belief. I know its probable I wouldn’t get them, but the risk is there and I don’t want that risk. I’ll have side effects of my treatment to contend with which is enough.
    Bye the way, they wouldn’t stop shingles coz that’s…[Read more]

  • Hi. I had my CT and skeletal survey and apart from a few very minor lesions he said nothing to worry about. So its only the Plasmacytoma to worry about. My consultant showed me the scan, the tumour is really big, no wonder I’ve had pain. I start treatment next week on the Myeloma 11 trial, they have also offered the TEAM trial that runs along side…[Read more]

  • Thanks so much for your replies. It really helps to know there are people out there who know how a person feels in these circumstances.
    My consultant has just phoned me. Apparently they are more concerned about the tumour on my sacral spine. He said it is rather large, the size of a tangerine, and it was missed by the physio team that took the…[Read more]

  • I saw my consultant today and yes it has progressed. I have a diagnosis of myeloma and a myeloma tumour on my spine. I’m to start treatment and I’m scared. I’ve been offered the Myeloma x1 trial. I’m just trying to get my head round it all.
    How do you all cope with this. All the time I was monitored for MGUS, I never thought it would become active…[Read more]

  • susie replied to the topic Is it progressing in the forum Newcomers 10 years, 1 month ago

    I’ve had the BMB and it wasn’t too bad this time. With the gas and air that is. I go back next week for the final diagnosis.
    What I want to ask is, has anyone been treated at Wycombe Hospital or at the cancer centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital ?

  • susie started the topic Is it progressing in the forum Newcomers 10 years, 1 month ago

    A while ago I posted on Karen’s thread. Well now I’ve been recalled by haematology consultant for another Bone Marrow biopsy, because my bloods have shown a steady increase in paraprotein which is now in the low 50’s. He also said he can see something on the MRI which may be a reason for my back pain. However he also said they’re not sure what it…[Read more]

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