
  • I breaks my heart to write that my dad passed away yesterday afternoon at 5pm very, very peacefully.

    I am extremely fortunate to have enough support from my wonderful husband and mother in law who enabled me to get away so I could sleep in his room with him for his last night here and hold his hand as he left.

    Thank you for all your…[Read more]

  • So my Dad is on his final journey and although I don't really have any religious beliefs I watched my Grandad die when I was in my 20's and I do believe there is somewhere else we or a part of us goes. For the most part my dad is currently between here and there. He has a foot in each world and is moving ever closer to the next. Three beautiful…[Read more]

  • tanya replied to the topic Struggling to cope in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago

    So here I am less than four weeks on from my original post of frustration and now I find myself realising it was all part of Dad's journey of coming to terms with the inevitable. After my message i had an apology from him about his behaviour, something I know was extremely difficult for him to vocalise. We (my husband and I) went with him to his…[Read more]

  • tanya replied to the topic Struggling to cope in the forum General 11 years, 12 months ago

    Thanks Tom,

    You truly are inspirational in the way you talk about Myeloma and support other users on this forum. I spoke to Dad this evening and he was ok. Yesterday was just a really bad day what with one thing and another so I guess he chose to take it out on those closest. Sorry your upbringing wasn't a straightforward one either. But here…[Read more]

  • tanya replied to the topic Struggling to cope in the forum General 11 years, 12 months ago

    Hi Vicki and Colin,

    Thanks for your reply. I guess the problem is alcohol. It has destroyed his life, lost his first family when they were young as his wife left and took kids. My mum met him when he was pretty injured after a car crash, then my mum left him and took me when I was little. Numerous drink driving bans. I tried to talk to him when…[Read more]

  • tanya started the topic Struggling to cope. in the forum General 11 years, 12 months ago


    I've been reading this forum for a couple of years now and at the start posted on newcomers back in early 2011. My dad has had a time of it since then.

    After initial diagnoses he started CTD which he responded to really well and had a good run at normal until late 2012. So much so that I actually didn't visit for a year as he resumed…[Read more]

  • tanya replied to the topic Dad diagnosed last week in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago

    Hi Bridget,

    Can I ask you what other pain relief might be available? The tablets do control it so I think that's why they haven't offered him anything else. It does come and go too. I'm going to call his Macmillan nurse after his appointment as he just zones out when the Drs talk to him. They use so much jargon, I always stop them and get them…[Read more]

  • tanya replied to the topic Dad diagnosed last week in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago

    Thanks for the advice. I think I've underestimated him and he seems to be on top of it all. However, there are side effects. He has three of the big four of thalidomide except dvt (touch wood). So they are seeing him again on Monday. That's the second visit since he started treatment. I can't make that one so he's going on his own with hospital…[Read more]

  • tanya replied to the topic Dad diagnosed last week in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago

    Thanks everyone for your wishes and support.

    I'll update you all on yesterdays events.

    We had bloods and then went in to see the consultant. He confirmed MM which we knew but I guess they had to tick all their boxes before committing. They have started him on CTD. It took nearly 3 hours to fill the prescription! It's a lot of pills eh? I…[Read more]

  • tanya replied to the topic Another newbie. in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago

    Hi Em,

    My dad was also confirmed with MM yesterday too. It's hard to watch isn't it? My dad started all his tablets today, he lives alone so constantly worried about him. As Mavis said being in hospital is good in a way as he is right under their noses.

    I hope he's responded better today.

    Keep us posted.


  • tanya started the topic Dad diagnosed last week. in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago

    Hi there,

    I'm here to gain more knowledge and support for both my dad and me. My dad now 76 was admitted to hospital earlier in the new year. He was brought in by ambulance after the results of a routine blood test (to check on prostate in remission) showed dangerously high levels of calcium. He was in for nearly three weeks and has had bone…[Read more]