tinkerbell replied to the topic Two feet of snow in Essex! in the forum Off topic 14 years ago
After what has turned out to be one of the days that this disease kicks you in the teeth when you thought it was actually starting to get better you've made me laugh out loud Gaye – Thank you x
tinkerbell replied to the topic **YIPPEEEEE** in the forum Off topic 14 years ago
Congratulations – Erin was on my short list when Beth was born a really lovely name. Hope you get to see her really soon and both baby and mum are well.x
tinkerbell replied to the topic Recurring aroma!!! in the forum General 14 years ago
Hi Nettie,
No I don't think that you are cracking up. I have the same problem with ice and I feel sick if someone mistakenly brings me a drink with ice in it. I have even felt sick when others have ice in there drinks and it's just from sucking it when I had the melphalan. Hope the snow clears up soon.
Pamela x
tinkerbell replied to the topic am first lol in the forum Under 50s 14 years ago
Well done Mr Lappin glad that all those cells are behaving themselves must be the vodka maybe I should try that. Tomorrow is hospital day for me and my numbers had fallen last month so I'm hoping that the trend has continued. Zometa tomorrow and then a long wait to get the big bag of tablets for the next month. I got my flu jab last Monday and…[Read more]
tinkerbell replied to the topic am first lol in the forum Under 50s 14 years ago
Yeh Tom thank deserves a stiff vodka to celebrate for Elaine. Good luck for you tomorrow will be thinking about you.
Tinkerbell is my favourite disney princess so nothing posh about my username. I took our baby for a haircut today and he slipped his lead and escaped from the groomers. I spent an eventful 10 minutes chasing the wee bugger up…[Read more]
tinkerbell replied to the topic am first lol in the forum Under 50s 14 years ago
You are hilarious Tom!!! Loving the picture of your baby boy xx