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    Hi Andrew

    Thank you for sharing your story and your thoughts.

    I’m inclined to agree with your view in regards to the Chemotherapy and the way we’re already seeing this change and as you say with the new drug treatments I too am sure we’ll be seeing a whole different approach that delivers a far better overall outcome for patients, not to mention a better quality of life whilst undergoing the Chemotherapy.

    I wish you all the very best on your Myeloma journey.

    Kind regards



    Hi Margaret

    Thank you for sharing your story, it’s fantastic that 18 years on you’re still going strong and living your best life.

    I’m obviously still very early in my Myeloma journey, however I’m now absolutely convinced I have a long and fulfilling road ahead, be assured I’ll be maximising everyday so that I squeeze every drop of life juice out 🙂

    Very best wishes for the future, enjoy your well deserved retirement and the grandchildren 🙂

    Kind regards



    Hi Teresa

    Thank you for sharing, I’m really hoping the remission is long term for your husband so he can gain a level of control back in his life. I’m sure that becoming Grandparents will be a great boost 🙂

    I can relate to the tiredness, it’s been one of the biggest side effects for me, I’m determined to stay working normally right up to 67, I’m lucky that my employer has been so very supportive already and I have assurances that this will continue, this really helps me out.

    Good luck and best wishes



    Hi Kevin

    Thank you for replying to my post, I really do appreciate it.

    I totally agree that what you and others have said is that treatment is basically progressing far more positively and that’s having a very positive impact on survival, the published statistics are therefore not as reliable.

    Since posting receiving so many lovely replies I’m so much more positive and determined to smash any current statistics in to smithereens!

    Forward we go.

    Best regards



    Hi Mike

    Apologies for the late reply, I’ve had a bit of a rough week, just coming out the other end now and feeling much brighter.

    Thanks for sharing some of your story, sounds like you’ve had a very bumpy journey to date BUT as you elude to, you’re battling and managing to live the best life you can 🙂

    I was told at clinic on Wednesday that although my bone legions are very severe, I’m fortunate that my vertebrae are not currently badly affected, it’s pelvis and hips for me and I will look out the pain nurse to see what more maybe can be done.

    I wish you well with the surgery and will look out for you at clinic ( I’m currently due there next on 21st Aug). I’m hoping to get to the Leeds Support Group on Monday 29th July.

    Take care and good luck.

    Speak soon



    Hi Kay

    Thank you for taking the time to reply and share your experiences, it’s appreciated.

    I’m only a few short weeks in to my Myeloma journey and so I’m learning everyday and it’s great to pick up great advice from those who are further down the path.

    I wish you all the very best wishes with your treatment and hope everything goes as well as it possibly can do.

    Take care



    Hi David

    Thank you for the reply, it’s really appreciated.

    Fantastic to hear that you’re aware of numerous people surviving Myeloma for well over 10 years 🙂

    I plan to visit the Leeds Support Group next week for the first time and will be going along to a patient information day later in September, I’m sure both will give me lots of positives!

    Prior to the Myeloma I was very fit and healthy and so hopefully once I can shift the severe bone pains that I now suffer from I will be able to get back to a more active life.

    I wish you all the very best on the treatment and hope it delivers for you.

    Good luck and take care.



    Hi Florence

    Sincere thanks for replying, it’s a very positive and uplifting post that I really appreciate.

    On reflection I’m only just a month in from the diagnosis and the initial enormity is taking time to normalise, I have 2 young girls (aged 4 & 7) as well as kids in the mid 20’s and was just feeling that life was so unfair, however your post and others have really boosted me beyond belief and I can see a far more positive pathway forming in front of me now.

    I wish you all the very best wishes on your journey and hope we both go on to live out a nice ripe old age.

    Take care



    Hi Rosie

    Thank you for taking the time to reply, I really do appreciate it and I was sorry to hear that your Dad passed away, great to hear that he lived to a good age regardless of Myeloma.

    Take care

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