
  • ali7 posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago

    Hi All,
    Having a real blip with the diagnosis. Keep looking at the figures but am now more confused with reading others posts.
    Key numbers given to me are as follows
    paragprtein 23g/l; kappa light chain 7.1g light chain 1.37 ratio 0,05. awaiting assessment of light chain. My bone marro aspirate shows less than 10% plasma cells with some binuclear form adn bone marrow trephine 70% plasma cells but awaiting confirmation on central review. My B12 and folate are normal.
    When I look at all the figures I am really confused have been feeling very tired and the site where my bone biopsy and marrow were taken and around that area are still aching.
    Its the busiest time in the school calendar and work is really manic so guess am just stressed. My next appointment is on the 1st.
    any advice about what I should be asking –
    Tired and apprehensive