24 year old son with myeloma

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    Hi, my son was diagnosed last July and has undergone VTD and a stem cell transplant. Just wondering if there are any other parents who are/have going/gone through the same? Thanks



    I was 41 when diagnosed in 2007, neither parent alive then to worry, you must be going through hell. Age is on his side for the recovery, was he diagnosed early?




    Too be honest we don’t really know. It all happened so fast. He was admitted to hospital with meningitis in the May. We went on holiday in June and 2 days after we got back we were told. He had a fracture in his spine which he didn’t even realise. He won’t let anyone go in with him for his appointments but then he forgets what he needs to ask. He is really anxious at the minute waiting to find out if transplant has worked but he won’t talk to anyone about it.



    Try and persuade your sun to let someone go in with him. It is so important not to forget info and to ask questions.
    Both mywife and I have blood cancers, she an MPN and I MM we go to Blackpool for her and I or a friend always go with her. She wouldn’t dream of letting me go on my own so has been to all the previous consultations.
    We both know we hear different things.




    I would echo what Roger says, tell him how worried you are and ask to go in with him. There is far too much information for one person to remember particularly if that person is the patient, I struggle 12 years on!




    Having read a few posts from young people with myeloma, unfortunately I suspect that your son is dealing with his diagnosis in a very typical way. Have you had any contact with the myeloma UK team, it may help to telephone Ellen Watters, the nurse?

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