9th November for Dai

This topic contains 52 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 11 months ago.

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    Sorry to hear (well I cant realy hear it Lol) your hacking has got no better Dai 🙁

    Dunt matter about the 9th as your health is more important at this time, always next year Dai

    Hope your Soom Better 😎

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    So near yet so far…

    We set out this morning hoping for the best… I still had my cough but much improved over the past few days. When I got in the car I had a coughing fit which I put down to the change in atmosphere or temperature… I had another when we stopped to fill up with diesel but not as bad… then we stopped for a cup of tea at the services on the M42 and had another… at which point Janet pulled the plug… and i was more than happy to comply.

    So I'm back home and will go see my GP tomorrow (I put off going earlier in the week because i was/am feeling a lot better excepting the niggling cough/sputum discharge).

    Que sera… I know I did the right thing by coming home but I still feel guilty.

    Another time I hope.




    Hi Dai sorry you are still feeling rotten Your health is much more important than a conference so please dont feel guilty I am sure there will other opportunities for one of us to give our viewpoint. Get better soon love Bridget x



    Hi Dai

    So sorry that your bad cough is still hanging on. Thank you for making so much effort to nearly make it. You must be very frustrated having put so much work and effort into preparing, but as others have said, there will be other opportinities.

    Do take care of yourself – I'm glad Janet is keeping a sensible eye on you.

    Best wishes.




    Oh dear Dai,
    I think every time Iget on the m42 to go to my daughters it does my head in,I hate that road
    Sorry your cold/cough is hanging on in there. Allow me to recommend echinacacold pills, brilliant at putting me right when Peter died and I was low, due to poor diet.
    There will other opportunities and I am glad the young man bothered to ask, perhaps he has read some of the comments on here
    Get well soon.



    I'm actually pleased you didn't go Dai. If you are unwell the last thing you should do is be among others who could make you worse.

    There will be other opportunites. I think we would all rather have you well than at the conference.

    Keep in touch and look after yourself

    Love from Gill xx



    Thank you friends,

    From the M42 services to the conference was closer than home but Janet was concerned that my immune system might be compromised by others. I am off to see my GP this morning.. feeling better than I have for days (but still wheezy).

    I am back for my first consultants meeting next Monday and amongst all the good news from that meeting I mentioned that I had a 'cough' and she told me to 'let it ride'. Fair enough… but my first six weeks of remission has been dominated by this infection and I want rid of it.




    Hi Dai

    Am Sorry you weren't well enough to attend the confrence but am pleased you listened to Janet, and I know that Janet knows best 😀

    As for your Feeling Guilty for not attending well you can take a bit more of your Good advise on board for yourself "If need to Rest and dont go out"

    Wishing you a speedy recovery and Thank Janet for being strong enough to tell you NO. 😎

    Keep Strong and Well Dai.

    Love to Janet xxxx

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" x

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