A post from John Cadwallader

This topic contains 8 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  mhnevill 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hello everyone. Many of you know John and you all know that he admits that he is not great with computers. He did want to post his personal story though, as he feels it will be of interest to many of you, so he asked if we could do it for him. I have not made any changes. John will be reading all replies. Ellen

    I was diagnosed with MM 18 April 2012 after months of pain in my back shoulders
    and ribs.

    No energy had to stop playing football November 2011
    January splitting logs all day building new sheep pen,
    The pain must be from swinging that axe all day.

    keep going son doctors say you've got A pulled mussel.

    End of march PAIN get to hospital 1 30 AM tramadol send me home got a septic
    tank to put in to day.

    I will be ok.

    17 April 11 30 ambulance this time they keep me in,
    next day the bad news that's me …….down and out days of numbness follow

    Offered to go on a trial of treatment end up with RCD 5 MONTHS worth.

    Need to do this on my own people are blaming me for my attitude.

    SCT In over Christmas never had so much love, out new years eave
    In on my own so now infections.

    Three weeks back to work and playing badminton.

    100 days randomised with maintenance revlimid and vorinostat.

    coz my treatment with revlimid to begin with had minor side effects
    I think this is worth a chance.

    I forgot to say I was in remission after the 100 days what type I don't really understand.

    I am in weak one of my 5 cycle side effects slight neuropathy

    And I am still in remission.
    I do get slightly tired, no trouble sleeping.

    I do worry about long term effects but I don't let it stop me enjoying my remission
    and wonderful life.



    Hi John

    You do well my Friend to enjoy your remission to the Full and Lets hope it lasts for years 😀

    I also was told I had a Pulled Muscle and or a bruised rib :-S but thankfully I stuck with a no it aint and asked for a second opinion and as they say the rest is History (good History)

    Forgot to say John, I was diagnosed in January 2009 stem transplant in December 2009 and am sat here in remission and Drug Free am very happy to say.

    Well Done John, stay well and stay healthy.

    Tom Onwards and Upwards 😎



    Best of luck John mate we're all rooting for you.



    Thanks big tom and little tom




    Hi John

    You forgot to mention attitude,reading some of your post,attitude or state of mind has got you this far!!

    Lets hope you have a long remission,hope you managed to mix the concrete !!! Good Luck Eve



    Best of luck John, long ,ay it continue.
    Tony F



    Hi John,

    It's great to hear you are doing do well after sct, the word remission is brilliant isn't it?. Long long may it continue 🙂

    Love Ali x



    Hi John,
    Glad to hear you're in remission and doing well – was always very impressed at how well you recovered from SCT and you believing it be a state of mind. Hope to be doing SCT soon and will hold you up as my role model. Keep well.



    Hi John

    Just to say welcome from me! Also wish you a long remission. Bet you are putting the time to good use and keeping busy.

    Best wishes.


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