A Step in the right direction

This topic contains 11 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  mhnevill 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    A step in the right direction.

    Went to see the consultant yesterday and he told me that the paraprotien level in my blood has dropped from 32 to 14.

    So looks like the chemo is working. What a relief. Hopefully by the time I go back in three weeks time it will have dropped even more.

    So I am now on cycle 2 of 4.

    Thank you for all your support.:-)




    Great progress, Tina!!


    It is so good to read of somone's good news! I am keeping my fingers crossed for another drop next month.




    Excellent news Tina, keep on going and I hope you see the right kind of progression next time around,

    Love Mari xx



    Hi Tina,

    Glad to hear your good news. My Mum (age 83!) also had good news this morning, after just one cycle of sub cut Velcade her PPs have dropped from 18 to 14 and light chains from 4000 to 2000. So we keep going – she will have a total of 4 cycles. Consultant very pleased and she has had minimal side effects so far.

    Hope you continue to do well,

    Love, Jill xx



    Hello I haven't been on here for a while but was just reading other posts and thought how sad it is so many of us are living our lives with para proteins (I hate the word) wish I had never heard of it – sorry – I'm so glad that yours are coming down – Ive got my check up next week to find out if the little devils are creeping up again and if one more person asks me where ive got skin cancer I think I will scream !!! I'm sorry again I'm coming across all moany but I'm in that sort of mood today – have a lovely rest of day everyone and don't let the b******s get you down

    lots of love
    Gilly xxxxx



    Way To Go That Tina, well done girl now you keep it up the fight i mean and your pp down 😎

    And Gill you my girl can moan all you want cos thats whayt we are here for 🙂

    Love and Hugs to you all

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hi Tina,

    I'm glad to hear that you're responding well to the CTD. I'm waiting for my blood results taken on Weds. I know we're on the same cycle so I think of you when I'm wide awake at 4am on dex days and anticipating the low days probably Tuesday!! The energy swings are hard to aniticipate aren't they?
    Stay well,

    love Alison



    Well done Tina that it the way to do it down down down with PPs.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Hi Gilly nice to hear from you again, glad you are keeping well.

    Kindest reagards – Vasbyte




    That is good news Tina. 😀

    You might get away with only 4 Cycles at this rate.

    Well done, keep positive.8-)




    Hi Alison,

    I agree about the mood swings. Tuesday and Wednesday will be douvet days i guess. But I am sleeping very well, due to the Thalidomide and anti sickness tablets at night. But my husband says I snore!!!!

    Keep fighting,



    Hi Tina

    Glad to hear your news.

    At the end of round 2 my PP were 5, but I obviously don't feel as good as you. The shingles haven't helped, but do seem to be subsiding. As I lost a week of chemo I am now on day 4 of round 3. I don't seem to be getting the mood swings with CDT, but did have a very low few days, which was obviously the onset of the shingles. Glad to say I feel much brighter now and again feel the battle is worth it!

    Keep up the good progress.

    Love Mavis xx

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