About as Off Topic as you can get

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  webteam 13 years, 5 months ago.

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    For others out there who are not asleep in the wee small hours I thought I would tempt you all to put your thinking caps on. Somebody started this word game on a French forum that I belong to and it seems to be popular. It is called the last three letters.

    You have to put up a word that contains the last 3 letters of the previous word. The word can have the letters anywhere but the new word must contain (somewhere) the last 3 letters.

    I'll start and make the first move


    I have to take the HIP and put it into another word so I will submit


    The next word must have ess in it somewhere.

    Good luck to all you wordsmiths Gill



    Hi folks

    After a little bit of digging, we have discovered the reason for not being able to reply to certain posts and we will get it fixed asap.

    It's actually double quotes in the subject line that causes the problem. I have removed them from this post so replying shouldn't be a problem any more.


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