Anaemia ? Sign of relapse

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  annlynn 9 years, 5 months ago.

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    Stewart had his bloods taken and his consultant sent along a letter asking him to repeat fbc, creatinine, u&e , folate etc. in the letter he stated there’s no raise in PP’s however Stewart is “slightly anaemic”. He’s been in partially remission for two years now since SCT.
    On this basis Stewart has not re arranged the new tests until next week, but I’m worried on his behalf. I’m always glass half empty I guess.
    I know no one can predict , but is anaemia a sign of relapse or could it be a blip?
    Thanks v



    hello, I’m no expert but I have the same problem and its not always a sign of relapse, I have very dodgy blood counts sometimes,any chemo also plays havoc and sometimes a blood transfusion is necessary, but its always best to get it checked out thoroughly, best to discuss with your consultant.



    Thank you Peter for your reply. I have such admiration for everyone having to personally deal with cancer, I’m just a wife and feel like a spectator. Even in remission its there, but you’ve helped put my mind at rest until Stewart gets new results. You didn’t have to do this for me, so I’m really very grateful. X



    hy vanessa. ive been in remmision for a year after sct laust august i am constanntly anemic consultant. says lots of people just are im on a three month course of iron but other than that everything. fine. try not to worry so much easy words i know but as eve one of our long term myeloma carers used to say. dont waste time worrying about tomorrow enjoy every day good luck. Ann xx

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