Angry with evil Myeloma -the enemy!

This topic contains 16 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Harmony 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    Stay stubborn Richard. I intend to remain defiant. Like you, I need to watch my seven and ten year old grow up- particularly because my seven year old is a Harry Potter fan who likes me to read a chapter each night at bedtime. How long will it take me to read the whole series to him?



    Hi Chrissie

    I can understand your frustration. Everyone deals with this illness differently. When Frank first diagnosed he got the whole family together and told them that there was to be no research done on the internet on Myeloma. Any info he needed he would get it from the consultant. I researched all that I could. He did not discuss it at home or with anyone – not me. We did go through some bad times. I went to see a counsellor and I got tremendous support from him and from people on the forum especially two of our younger members who helped me with the perspective of the patient rather than the carer (hate that damn word). Frank holds things back from me – I think he thinks if I don't know how he's feeling then I won't worry. I only find out how he has been feeling when we see consultant and he tells her. This is how he deals with it – although I want to know everything I have to respect his feelings and how he deals with it. After all these years he understands where I'm coming from don't think he likes it but I try to understand him – and I hope he understands me -sometime I drive him nuts.

    It will probably take time for your husband to 'get his head round it' I know I did. Chrissie as a carer you have to watch your loved one go through this and there is nothing you can do but watch and try to give support and also deal with your own feelings. I'm not very good at putting my feelings in words but I hope you get the gist. You have a great attitude and this will help you. Sorry for going on. Take care
    Love Jean x

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