another 3 months

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    Just had my 3 month appointment and all is looking good.

    Paraprotien (Yes, I have the bog standard Myeloma nothing exotic for me like light chains) is still below 3, was 2.3 now 2.1, which is excellent and all other blood indicators are good so I have another 3 months ? next appointment 30 Dec 2011. In and out in a flash! SCT was Dec 2010 for the technically minded.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    Excellent news David – not only holding firm but still dropping as well. 🙂

    I wouldn't mind having heavy chains… the Kappa Light Chain/Bence Jones MM may be exotic but it is also complicated. I like the idea of 1, 2, 3 – nice and simple to understand.:-D

    Enjoy the next 3 months sojourn and here's to many, many more of them. 😎




    So good to hear your numbers are still dropping, David!!

    Enjoy your "holiday" from appointments!!




    Brilliant news David! Long may it continue.. Enjoy.

    Love Jean xx



    And a Well Done from Me David 😀 and long may it continue 😎
    Would I know if mine is exotic:-/ No am sure i wont lol.

    Have a great break from treatment and Doc Visits 😎

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    I am so pleased you are doing well David. Hopefully you won't have to Vasbyte for the next 3 months:)

    love from Gill xxx



    Great news David and long may it stay that way you are doing so well at the momement;-)
    Keep Well
    Love Jo x



    Great news David! always a worry – the day of an appointment – then you come out wondering why, but I guess we all do it!! Long may the good news last and the numbers keep falling ~ enjoy!

    Nettie x



    Hi David

    Great news, so pleased for you 🙂 Njoy your break from appointments.

    Love n hugs Lorraine xxx



    Hi David great news you have certainly got those pesky little blighters on the run!! Heres to even lower numbers and longer times between clinics so you can both forget about mm for a good long while love Bridget x



    Hi David, Glad to hear the news, but give me a break as a newby to this site (not to MM) whats SCT and whats Vasbyte please. Mynumbers which they give me when I go are last time 11, I think thats paraprotein, it dosent seem to change much over the years but last year when I was ill with a tummy bug it went up to about 16 which seemed to upset them ,but as I didnt know what it was till I came on this site I was in blissfull ignorance.Keep up the good work its nice when some one has some good news. Ted:-)



    Good news David and even better news those numbers are in retreat!

    So pleased for you both!

    Love liz & kev xx 🙂



    Hi Ted, Happy to help.

    SCT is Stem Cell Transfer. Basically, and there are variations on treatment, they give you Chemotherapy to try to get the paraprotien cells as low as possible. They then take Stem Cells from your bone marrow in a Auto SCT, or from a donor in an Allo SCT. Having got the Stem Cells you then go into hospital and have a seriously nasty drug called Melphalan (not sure of the spelling of this) I understand that Melphalan is similar to Mustard Gas! This kills all fast moving cells in your body, such as hair, throat and stomach cells, your immune system cells etc.. Hence the reason you see most cancer patients hairless during treatment, it does however also kill most Myeloma Cells. They then reintroduce your Stem Cells back into your body to rebuild all the damage cells. The reason I have put in ?kill most myeloma cells? is that some MM cells lie dormant and therefore the melphalan will not touch them (fast moving cells only). And, at some time in the future they will awake and start all over again, hence Myeloma being a treatable decease and not a curable one.

    Vasbyte is a Africans word that my South African family used in a communication to me. A direct translation means Bite Hard. But it is meant in the sense of the English grit your teeth,dig deep and bl88dy well fight!

    Hope this help, I am sure if I have not got the SCT operation right some body will put me right.

    Kindest Regards ? Vasbyte



    Thank you David very good explanation, it doesnt sound very nice does it ,I might not look forward to that.Sorry about the Vasbyte got that wrong didnt I, just shows my ignorance of this bl88dy illness,thanks again. Ted.



    hey up Ted (a northern saying)

    I am sure that we as MM badge wearers none of us know what will is going to happen as the bLo**ming MM throws a bit of a curve and throws it all out :-S


    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" 🙂

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