Another newbie.

This topic contains 10 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  KWilson 14 years ago.

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    Hello all, I'm quite sad to say I'm a new member as my Dad was diagnosed with Myeloma last week following a fracture of his collarbone on New Years Eve.
    Came as quite a shock to us all as my dad never gets sick, and being a daddy's girl it's quite hard to watch my dad being in the pain he is in. To be fair he looks a heck of a lot healthier then he did a couple of weeks ago, but within last day or so his joints have seized up and is having difficulty moving.
    Unfotunately my family always takes the "Chandler Bing" approach to news like this and wrap it up with humour and sarcasm, which is great as a security blanket but none of us talk to each other about feelings and emotions. It also makes it harder for me as I am the only family member who does not live in the family home.
    So here I am to hopefully share my experiences and feelings with other newbies/veterans.
    Thanks in advance



    Hi Em

    Well I am sorry to welcome you to this site 🙁 but that said you will find it One of the best around, we have great folk that have got good advice to help you and your Dad through this one step at a time 🙂

    Humour you cant beat it at a time like this and never lose it as I know it has perked me up no end over these last couple of years 🙂

    Don't forget anything you or your Family need to know just ask, but I have to say all MM sufferer's don't react.nor have same treatment as its a individual illness.

    As for me I have the "Owards and Upwards" Approach 😎

    Good Luck to you all

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hi Emma welcome to the crazy gang. I am glad to hear your dad is starting to pick up now he is on treatment. Th,ink of us as your second family and ask away, there are so many lovely people on here to support best wishes Bridget



    Thank you both.
    Woke up this morning to a message on my phone to say my dad has been taken to hospital because he has seized up completely from the steroids he's been taking. He couldn't get out of his chair last or even pick up his cup of tea. He won't be happy because he hates being fussed over.
    It's like 1 step forward and 2 back, but as you say Onwards and Upwards.



    Oh Sorry to hear that Em 🙁 but am sure they will sort Dad out Ok.
    Its a case of working out what works and what isn't working with us lot 🙁
    Your Dad might just need his meds tweeking a little bit 🙂

    I also dont like a fuss caused over me so think I know how your Dad will feel.

    We have to take it one day at a time 😀 and it will work itself out 😎

    So Take Care


    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Dear Em

    Can I also welcome you to the site. Sorry your father is having it so rough, but one thing about being in hospital, hateful as it is, it does mean you are right under their noses and they will want to get things going.

    One thong about this site is that you can be honest about how you feel.

    All best wishes to you and your father. Hope to hear some better news from you soon.




    Hi Em,

    My dad was also confirmed with MM yesterday too. It's hard to watch isn't it? My dad started all his tablets today, he lives alone so constantly worried about him. As Mavis said being in hospital is good in a way as he is right under their noses.

    I hope he's responded better today.

    Keep us posted.




    Hi Em

    Sorry to hear about your dad. My family are the same, we use humour. I find it masks the denial and fear that I felt when I was diagnosed, but if it is their (and my) coping mechanism then its not a bad thing. From my own experience I can only say I have complete trust in my consultant and hospital regarding MM they know exactly what they are doing. If one drug does not work they can try another one, but it is so individual. I was allergic to one of the tablets and it made me come out in a rash which made me look as if I had german measles (very attractive). They took me off of it and in two days completely clear, much to my partners relief. It really is a day at a time. I hope your dad gets relief quickly. Keep in touch with the site its great Love Kayx



    Hi Em,

    As someone with a Dad who is newly diagnosed I know how you feel. I welcome you to this site as will all the other members with MM and family members who feel they don't know what to do. You have came to the right place as I have found so much info and support which is so useful when you don't know where to turn. I wish you and your family all the best love clara xxx



    Hi Em and Tanya, Welcome to our little, but very active, group.

    I know it is a very worrying time at the present and it is all so new to you but you have come to the right place for help, support and good advice. Take time to have a good look around the site it has lots of correct and up to date information which will take some of the fear out of your day.

    Kindest regards




    Welcome. This is a good group for letting off steam or just 'talking' so feel free.


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