Another SCT journey about to start

This topic contains 26 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Scott rooting for you.
    Day at a time, it's not much fun but perfectly doable, some people fly through it so hope that's the case with you.




    Hi Scott

    Well what ward are you in,some have better views than others,instead of looking at a brick wall,you can look at half a brick wall:-P ,I hope you have brushed up on your language,I do not mean swearing either,lots and lots people from different countries.

    Debbie is very nice,the hospital shop sells any thing,and we found. The staff excellent, old clothes are a must,as hard work trying to get from bed to toilet when you have a machine for fluids,plus driver for drugs ,as big as Kings is,I could not find anything that was inefficient ,I hated the train journey,started my journey at Seal to Denmark Hill,I worked it the whole journey in and out was over 100 steps plus 3 miles walking,I seemed to take more in than I brought home.Did it by car on Sundays as trains were always a reduced service.
    I cannot think of a better hospital to be in for such a major procedure .Good Luck. Eve



    hi Scott,

    Good luck for your SCT, don't place any expectations on yourself, sleep as much as you can, and before you know it you will be going home.

    Steve has had two SCT's in Kings and it is a lovely place, staff are wonderful. If you don't fancy anything from the menu they can (and will) do some special bits and pieces for you in the ward kitchen. Steve discovered this just as he was about to come home the second time!

    It gets really rough in the middle, and then, all of a sudden the bloods pick up and you are being sent home. It caught me out both times.

    Just a note for Linda, I am not sure where you are visiting from. I used to use the train into Denmark Hill like Eve did, but I caught it in Sevenoaks. It is not a lot of fun but trains are fairly regular. I did drive in from time to time, traffic can be nasty but not too bad at the weekend. parking is easier across the road in the Maudsley Hospital, and a lot cheaper than Kings. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to support Linda while you are in, you will be needing all your energy to get better. Drop me a private message and she can have my email/mobile, whatever helps.

    Here's to an easy ride and a long healthy remission for you,

    Much love Mari xx



    Hi Scott…good luck mate and "kick it between the legs"….one day at a time and look forward to a long remission…Phil



    Thanks a million for the continued support. I'm on Day zero – the first one. More bags of stem cells to come tomorrow. So far so good. Just a little bit of sickness but I'm prepared for worse to come in the next week or two.

    Eve: my window does look out at a brick wall but they may be moving me in a day or so and I might get a better view then. My goodness you had some journey. We only need to come from Purley and it's dead easy. A couple of stops to Clapham Junction then connection to Denmark Hill another three stops.

    Mari: thanks ever so much re supporting Linda. However I have to tell you she is totally computer illiterate. Plus every time I phone her mobile it goes to the answering thing. Our two sons ( 27 and 25) plus their girlfriends are really supportive and are making sure she is OK. Plus her family and mine, although mine are based in County Cavan so supporting by phone.

    Tom and Phil: I'm really trying to stick to your advice and just take one day at a time. If I ever think about the whole thing it becomes too much to cope with.

    All the best




    Hi Scott

    Are journeys often began,in a little place called Deal on the Kent coast ,they would send us appointment for harvesting have to be there nine am,got home nine pm,and back the next day as not enough stem cells.when it came to SCT I drove are Motorhome to my daughters in Kemsing,and I stayed in Motorhome. Nearest hospital that does SCT is Kings,I would love Slim to still be at Kings as I think they have better equipment ,but alas the journey is far to much.

    Slim enjoyed having his own mug from home,as hospital tea cups are so small,they do not like you having ice lolly,s at Kings,so as much mouth wash as possible,good coffee,I use to stop and bring one up with me for Slim.if you see Debbie give her my regards,she travels everyday from Folkestone ,she was a bit of a Rock the first time Slim went in,my grandson died and Slim came out,and went in again later.

    It is a very emotional time,so do not play the hard man,let the tears flow,as it gets it out of your system,it's a big build up to SCT, one day at a time. Love Eve



    Hi Scott,

    You should be well on your way by now my friend. All best wishes for a smooth ride, keep in touch as and when you can.8-)






    Just tuning in to say hope you are feeling reasonable ….that's pretty good on sct territory I believe! Keep you chin up, be strong and focus on one day at a time xxx

    Hope the other (better half!) is keep her chin up. From one supporter to another it's bloody hard 😉 but lights at the end of the tunnel

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Scott
    I hope you are doing well
    Keep strong!
    Love Chris



    Hey Scott

    Just nipped in to see how your doing ?? hope your on the road to recovery its a bit of a haul but you will do it

    Tom Onwards and upwards x



    Hi Scott

    Have been away so just catching up properly with posts. Just wanted to wish you the very best. At those bad times just think of those pesky MM cells and see it as worth it to kick them well and truly into touch.

    Wishing you a long and healthy remission when SCT is a dim memory.

    Wishing you well.




    Hi Scott

    Just dipping in to wish you well…..hope you are feeling as good as you can

    Vicki and Colin -)

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