Any advice would be appreciated

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mulberry 4 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi, i was diagnosed in May 2017 with Non secretory Myeloma. 5 months of VDT, followed by stem cell transplant at Christies in Manchester which was succsessful. Regular checkups since and no problems until recently i felt a dull pain in my right hand side, in glutes, hips, and down right leg. Feeling very well, no other symptoms, appetite is good, weight is stable. Sometimes it wakes me up at night but the pain is not severe. It seems to be better when i walk. Reported it to my GP and he said sciatica, he however wrote to my Myeloma consultant who has arranged an MRI scan at the end of this week. My question really is to anyone that has relapsed, did they generally feel unwell, as i remember when i was first diagnosed i felt rough and lost alot of weight. Hoping its not the start of a relapse, but if it is i will deal with it. My consultant said, 3 years remission is fantastic but i was hoping for more obviously.



    Hi Gary,

    In essence, like everything else for Myeloma patients, we are all different and presentation is different for all patients and does vary over the course of time. I’ve had Myeloma since 2006 and can’t recall presentation being the same twice, in fact on one occasion there was nothing untoward. If you have doubts, issues or anything unexplained then talk to either your key worker or consultant.



    Hi Gary
    You are describing exactly my symptoms, only mine is left side.
    When I first had these symptoms 6 months after diagnosis I had scans, nothing found. (Im in that unusual group without known lytic lesions) My symptoms worsened significantly at SCT when I had little exercise but no signs of lesions,and now during lockdown have worsened. My consultant is sure it’s not myeloma related, but the back clinic have offered me a CT scan. In my case I really think it’s much more likely to be sciatica. Hope the same is true for you.

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