Any Hints

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Scotty 14 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #106746


    Hi All
    My name is Paul, I am 38 and I was diagnosed with MM in September 10. I have had cyclophosphomide tablets at home and I am just about to complete my last cycle whcih has almost put me in remission. I am due to have my Hickman line in on the 13-12-10 and the chemo cyclophosphomide on the 28-12-10. Then into hospital for stem cell treatment in the new year.
    I would be grateful to hear from anyone maybe around my own age who has been through a similar process, any hints and tips etc and general advice or points of view etc.

    Paul Stevens.



    Hello Paul -sorry to hear you have been diagnosed at such a young age. There is an under-50's group run by Claire (Scotty) Scott which is separate from this discussion group. Trouble is I don't have her email address to give to you but hopefully there are others on here who do. Failing that I am sure Ellen at Myeloma UK will have it so contact her.

    I know people find that group really helpful and I am sure you will benefit from it.

    Good luck Paul.
    Best wishes



    Thanks Gaye
    If anyone does have an e-mail address for Claire Scott that would be great.
    Many thanks



    Hello Paul – I have just noticed that Claire (Scotty) Scott has a post on here called Joining In. If you post on there hopefully you will get a reply. Failing that telephone Ellen at Myeloma UK.

    Best wishes, Gaye



    Hi Paul

    Sorry to have missed your message and thanks to the eagle eyed who did spot it and let me know! If you drop me an email to I can use your email address to invite you into the Under 50s site. Most of us use both this forum and the Under 50s to max the value from both! Cheers Scotty.

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