April 4th 2023 – In the process of Myeloma diagnosis.

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    I find it quite overwhelming how different everybody is when it comes to side effects and symptoms.
    I seem to always be asking questions as I get so many which I cant see mentioned anywhere.
    My latest being a cold nose with eye sockets that feel cold but are not! This goes on for most of the day. Again just told it will be one of the drugs!
    I am also waking up early morning about 2am with lower legs that feel very irritated, nervy and won’t settle. This can go on for 4 hours or more and is extremely uncomfortable.
    I have had radiotherapy to my pelvis and spine a week ago and there is now talk of surgery to pin and stabilize my hip and pelvis.
    Finding it very hard to settle into any routine and I am only on treatment 1 of 2nd cycle!



    Hi Squirrel
    Answering your last two posts; Doctor happy with my bloods she said that my para proteins had gone from 21 whatever its measured in, at the beginning of treatment, down to a number that was insignificant so we were pleased with that, and all the other important numbers were down to a level that they are happy to continue with the stem cell transplant, Just waiting for a date for the stem cell harvest and subsequent transplant. As I’m genetically classed as high risk I think this will be sooner rather than later.
    We asked questions at every review and when we saw the specialist nurse while having the treatment so don’t let that worry you. I did find that whatever side effects cropped up most would go once treatment stopped but always ask the questions just in case drugs need to be changed or dosage altered.

    I seemed to tolerate the drugs more than what I’ve read and heard, I did however have the same as you, cold nose and my feet felt cold to me but not to touch, some other strange side effects as well, three or four days after the infusion and injection, my skin felt sore to touch, like when you have flu, it would last a day or so then disappear, I also had one ear that wouldn’t pop, similar to when you on a plane, really weird feeling, that disappeared when they changed my MST to a capsule. I also had a reaction to the deltaparin, it was ok for the first six – eight weeks then I developed a horrible rash on my stomach and legs where we injected, I stopped that and changed to apixaban tablets and the rash settled down.
    When I first had the Isatuximab, I had the symptoms of anaphylaxis, tingling lips and mouth, blocked nose and short of breath, treatment was paused for an hour while I had more steroids and intravenous antihistamine, after that I was fine.
    After a while I got to understand what to expect as each week the same things occurred at a similar time



    Hi iangray67

    I haven’t been on here for a while and was wondering how you have got on.

    On your last post 8th June you were hoping to be given a date for stem cell harvest and onto a SCT.
    Has this happened? If it has how are you?
    I am about to start the process for the harvesting of my stem cells after 4 months of induction.
    Have just been given a couple of weeks without medication apart from Aciclovir.

    Would be great to hear from you




    Hello , I’m another newcomer to the site and I’m in the process of being diagnosed. I’m 70 years old and my problem was found when I had free light chains in my plasma and urine . I have just had a bone marrow biopsy this morning which was uncomfortable but not too bad . For me the most painful part was the aspiration rather than the bone sample bit. I find reading about people’s experiences with the disease is a real help in allowing me to come to terms with what the future may hold so I just wanted to introduce myself and say thank you to everyone who posts on this forum.



    Welcome to the forum cjleeds.
    Best wishes as you start your treatment, first step towards feeling better.

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