Back In The Game

This topic contains 19 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  Perkymite 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #102818


    Wow you are an inspiration Dai, great news, enjoy! San xxx



    Thank you San,

    I have suffered pain, confusion and one pig of a bedsore but to come throughout it with such a reduction in my Light Chains has made it all worthwhile. Perhaps the worst sort of suffering was the constant knowledge that if my Light Chains had frozen or worse still risen, then I would have been in limbo… looking around for something else while knowing that my best chance, a chance we hadn't considered until it came up in conversation, had gone with nothing to replace it. That waiting for the Free Light Chains Test results was purgatory… absolute agony, even though I refused to allow any dark clouds to gather. 😎

    But away with such thoughts… I am in a good place, much better than I ever expected while under Bendamustine and so I will take this and look forward to the next 6 to 8 months and take it from there. 😀





    Great news, so pleased for you both. I'm sure the next cycle will bring more of the same.

    Christine and Chris X



    Oh Dai

    I am so glad to read this news! I had been scanning postings as I didn't seem to have heard from you lately. I do hope and pray this revised Velcade regime works. If it does it will be another option for others.

    Do hope, that in spite of all the treatment you and Janet are able to get away agin soon.

    Lots of love and baskets full of good wishes.

    Mavis x



    Dai, What is the dosage you are using?

    I am on 2.5mg of Velcade twice a week making 5mg a week for two weeks then one week off. This is one cycle for me. They are not sure at this stage, just done cycle 3, whether I am going to do 6 or 8 cycles.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte


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