Back on the roller coaster

This topic contains 51 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  andyg 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #117548


    Hi Helen

    Good the hear from you again 😉 my last PPs were 8.4! Unknown territory for me.
    I know what you mean about ” another avenue closed” I got the same result from my brother and sister and I’m on Pomalidomide now cycle 8, I think, with not much to follow when it starts to fail. But hey ho that’s a worry for the future. At the moment I’m ok and my consultant is happy wth me.
    Had another appointment today oops yesterday at the max. facial re my jaw and he was quite happy the way it was. Unfortunately as we were waiting Steph got a phone call to tell her her dad had passed away. We were due to drive down and see him as we knew he was in a bad way but didn’t make it in time.
    Four weeks Sunday and we’re off to Greece get that trip to Italy booked!

    Maureen I didn’t get a response fron Revlimid until cycle 4 or 5 I think when cyclophosomide was added to the mix. It is known as a slow starter my PPs crept up to nearly where they were when I was diagnosed but in the end I got 22 cycles of pretty go health out of it.

    Ok that’s my Dex induced news bulletin.

    Every day is a gift

    Love Andy xx



    I did well on Rev and Dex going to “excellent” Remission withing a couple of months. I have been off it for nearly a month now whilst I await my Prostate Operation, which is today. I expect to go back on it at the end of the month, I think I see the consultant on the 22nd. The only problem I have with it is the cycle of Constipation and loose bowels.

    I am having a Dex night Andy without any dex!!!!!! Just cannot sleep. I get these nights occasionally.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte



    Hi David.
    I’m just about to try and get some sleep before I start to read lol.
    I hope everything goes well with the operation and you can cross it off your list.
    I would like to be loose now and again lol I’m mainly tight 🙁
    How did the skin biopsy go?

    Every day is a gift




    Not to well Andy I now have skin Cancer to add to my list of cancers! I have an appointment with them at the end of the month when they are gong to cut a slice out of my head!!!! Not going to be much left of me at this rate.

    MY teeth extraction, on the 27th, proved a real tough one they could not get the top one out and had to cut it in 4 and extract each root separately. I was in the chair for over 40 minuets while they pushed and pulled (and grunted). The bottom one just jumped out. However the good news is that I did not get a lot of pain afterwards which was surprising. The jaw seems to be healing up nicely. I have an appointment with the Max Fill unit on the 22nd to check it.

    Going to try to get some seep now as well.

    Kindest regards- vasbyte




    Hi David and Andy
    Sorry to hear about your father-in-law Andy, very sad for you both.
    No news to report, off all drugs, light chains 175, slightly neutropaenic so can’t find travel insurance that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg! Bit miffed about this as am going to Marbella film festival in October ( daughter has film in!) so will have to keep fingers crossed that nothing gets any worse.
    Hope you 2 are behaving yourselves and that David is convalescing nicely.
    Love Helen

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  Helen.


    Hi Helen

    What a lot to cope with. The Indurance thing is a real trial isn’t it. I can’t get insurance because of all my health issues. I take a chance when I go to Luxembourg, but it is different because we are at my daughter’s. Bit more problematic if you are “on your own”, as it were. One of my 50 – List for Life things is to get to Italy next year. I will really have to shop around for cover for that. I think I heard of a firm that will cover you if you arrange it just six weeks before travelling and have a Dr’s letter of support. I don’t know about you, but it is the repatriation costs that scare me, not loosing the travel costs.

    Ironically we have had to cancel our trip to Luxembourg, planned to start tomorrow. My husband was admitted to hospital a fortnight ago, and is now waiting for a pace maker to be fitted! Hopefully we can reschedule for a couple of months time. We never know what is round the corner, do we. We are just glad he has been diagnosed as he has been having funny turns for some time now.

    We do have to “seize the day” don’t we.

    Have you officially finished work yet? Hope you get the holiday you deserve.

    Lots of love.

    Mavis x



    Thanks Helen. It’s been a sad time.
    No news is good news I think! My PPs have remained the same. Hopefully I’ll get a period of stability.
    Just got our insurance for our trip to Kefalonia £67 for cover for the both of us! Must be the cheapest yet. Though the phone call was quite long and probably costly.
    I got insurance when I was on Revilimid and my neutrophils were nearly always below 1.0 maybe I wasn’t asked the right? questions. We use nowicantravel and do it over the phone. We have had no problems the last 4 holidays getting insurance at a reasonable price with them.

    Every day is a gift.

    Love Andy xx

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