Been a bit quiet but just started Cycle 3 RCD Myeloma XI Trial

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Helen 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    Just wanted to thank you for all the replies I have had to various posts over the last few months. I went a bit quiet just trying to concentrate on the pills, more pills and more pills!

    But I have had some good news, after Cycle 1 my PP went down from 38 to 7! I couldn't believe it – I really didn't think it would drop so far so quickly. But my consultant said it can fluctuate but at least it has gone in the right direction.

    Still getting used to the pill popping regime, and this week have had my first bout of nausea, I am hoping that the fact that I was sick Sunday was a one-off and not the terrible novavirus. Can eat but just feel ickky all day. But I suppose it's a small price to pay if treatment is going OK.

    Wishing everyone a healthier and happy new year for 2013. Sending lots of positive thoughts to fellow patients 🙂

    Sarah Jane



    Hi Sarah Jane

    Great new about the PP's. long may it continue. Sarah Jane a great Christmas and a HEALTHY happy new year
    Love Jean x 🙂



    Sarah Jane

    Thats a great result for you. It's some encouraging when it goes like that 🙂

    Keep it going 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Sarah Jane.
    I'm on RCD though not on the trial. I'm on cycle 10 🙂 and my PP's are only creeping down at 21 last reading. I've been on treatment for 14 months now! and that's the lowest count I've achieved.
    Whoops I've gone off course of what I wanted to say lol. I've found it's the cyclophosphamide that causes the nausea with me. I've been given ondansetron tablets to combat it. I take one two hours before the cyclophosphamide and then twice a day for 3 days. It works for me. I know more pill popping but that's par for the course.

    Take care & all the best

    Andy xx



    Hi Sarah Jane

    Great news, all sounds good. I hope you continue through your treatment as best as can be expected. Wishing you all the very best, Ange xx



    Hi Sarah Jane
    Very good response there, keep it up, I did the same as Andy when I had the cyclophosphamide, Ondansetron regularly worked well for me. I was on Revlimid too and went to 0 in 2 moths, been there ever since!
    Love Helen

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