
  • Thanks Vicki
    I was warned it could fail – didn't realise it could fail twice! I now everything crossed for June. I know my CD34 was 3 and they could only do transplant when it was 8-10, so I was way off. Shame they can't do a test before you have to go through priming chemo/injections.

    The funniest thing was it wasn't my head hair that I…[Read more]

  • Thanks Tom, will also save me lots of money on haircuts/shampoos etc 🙂
    Although I am now spending money on scarves and hats – and suncream for my head – a new novelty

  • rebeccaR

    Harvesting for a rainy day sounds like a good idea, if I'd known I could of done that I would of. I was on Cyclophosphomide through my cycles – I was always told hair may stay/thin/fall out, but it stayed. I think the priming CYC is 4 times stronger which is why mine fell out over a few weeks, I also pulled/brushed it out, ironically I…[Read more]

  • Thanks Ange, sorry things are progressing – but at least you are being closely monitored. xx

  • Been off line for a while, trying to 'have a break and enjoy myself' as my nurse told me.

    After 5 cycles of REV I progressed to priming and stem cell harvest, but it wasn't to be, even after 10 days of GCSF injections my levels were still too low. It seems that this can happen to patients on Revlimid and although I was warned I had everything…[Read more]

  • After a PP of 2 for the last 3 cycles it's been decided to move onto SCT. Having spent 5 months on all those meds its strange having 1 week off (just anti viral meds) before the next stage begins.

    On a good note I didn't find RCD too bad, I've managed to work every day, except for 2 days after each 4 day block of DEX when I took to the sofa…[Read more]

  • Thank you all for all your tips on blood results. Consultant was more than happy to give me past results and as her printer wasn't linked up I sat there and scribbled them down, still some blanks still to fill next time but a good start.

    Start of Cycle 2. 3. 4.
    Haem: 12.9 13.1. 12.7
    WBC: 4.1 3.6 2.7
    Plate: 215 124…[Read more]

  • Thanks Mavis. I always get pp a month later at next appointment, bit of a pain, tomorrow I finish Cycle 3, but get pp results for Cycle 2 at appointment.

    Will see if consultant is happy to give me a printout 🙂

  • Chris, Brilliant, have it somewhere, or will download it,

    Jean, no I don't have it but will call them tomorrow, always useful

    Peter, I always see it on her computer screen, with numbers in red (guess these are the numbers misbehaving!), will see if she'll print it out for me 🙂

    Thank you

  • I am due to see my consultant on friday (plus get another carrier bag of pills for Cycle 4)

    Up till now I have only been bothered about my PP levels. I was wondering what other results in my blood test are also worth keeping an eye on? I always ask if I'm anemic and get told know, but I'd like to keep a record of other useful indicators.

    Any…[Read more]

  • Just wanted to thank you for all the replies I have had to various posts over the last few months. I went a bit quiet just trying to concentrate on the pills, more pills and more pills!

    But I have had some good news, after Cycle 1 my PP went down from 38 to 7! I couldn't believe it – I really didn't think it would drop so far so quickly. But my…[Read more]

  • Thank you so much for all your replies, all interesting to read. I know everyone is different but it helps to know how people cope with everything.
    I am now on day 14 of my first cycle. I have never taken so many pills :0

    Chemo tablets OK, taken with anti-sickness.
    Revlimid – dizzy/foggy head, night sweats, awake at 4pm – not helped by all…[Read more]

  • Hi, rubbish news this week, my MRI showed I have a tumour on a vertabrae and I have had to start treatment straightaway. At least it explains the back pain and I am greatfull for the support from Stoke Mandeville where I will get all my treatment.

    I decided to go on the Myeloma XI trial – and got RCD. Although I had a few days just on DEX (I'm…[Read more]

  • Hi, I have finally got round to joining this forum having being diagnosed in June 2012. After a routine blood test it was discovered I had a PP of 30. All a bit of a shock, which was then followed by full x-rays and bone marrow. Thankfully x-rays were all clear, but bone marrow had 15% myeloma cells.

    I have been on regular blood tests by my…[Read more]

  • Thank you for your reply, it is interesting to hear other peoples stories and puts some perspective on the situation. I try and keep busy, working full time with a 10 year old son helps. Occassionally I have moments when my mind drifts and I start worrying but I guess this is normal.
    Thank you again
    Sarah Jane

  • Hi Ange
    I too was recently diagnosed with SMM in June. PP was 30 but has slowly crept to 38, but it was good to hear from my consultant last week (I go every 4 weeks) that they wont start treatment till PP is 50+. Like you I have no symptoms, and I hope the back ache I am getting is down to stress rather than anything else, but I am due to have…[Read more]

  • Hi, I have finally got round to joining this forum having being diagnosed in June 2012. After a routine blood test it was discovered I had a PP of 30. All a bit of a shock, which was then followed by full x-rays and bone marrow. Thankfully x-rays were all clear, but bone marrow had 15% myeloma cells.

    I have been on regular blood tests by my…[Read more]