Bendamustine Here We Go

This topic contains 20 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  KeithH17 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #100970


    Wishing you the very best of luck with the Bendamustine Keith. 🙂

    I shall be keeping a close eye on events and all of your reports. I hope that you settle into a good relationship with the drug and that your levels come down as your neuters go up.8-)

    You deserve a time of respite and some kind of normality and the is no reason to think that Bendamustine will not give you that… the reports from America seem to support a good response from people in our position. 😀

    All the very best. 🙂




    Hi Keith

    I meant to ask – do you have a PICC line in place or are you still being stabbed evry time you have bloods / platelets etc?

    A PICC line avoids all that pain and bruising and is just a simple procedure.

    Tina X



    Hi Tina

    I don't have a line fitted although I do have experience with them and not all good. Apart from problems with infection I had a hickman line that wouldn't give out blood even though it would accept infusions into it. So I was at a stage where I was still having to be stabbed every time they needed a sample which was an added annoyance,so it's a consensus of opinion between me and the hospital that we should proceed as we are. Very little is straightforward when it comes to me LOL.

    Thank's Tina.




    Hi Tina,

    I have heard of the Picc Line before… I looked it up and it really does seem a simple yet effective long term procedure, especially for those who have the devil of a job giving blood or finding a place for Cannula's.:-(

    But when I asked at our excellent Day-Case Unit I was told 'We don't do them here'. When I asked why I was told 'There's been no call'.:-0

    Now that I am having semi-regular blood transfusions I might ask, or rather request, for one to be fitted again.8-)




    Hi Keith
    Just checking in to see how your coping with the new regime. How are you tolerating it?
    I know you've just started but I hope it's going we'll with little or no side effects.
    Good luck.



    Hi Andy
    I was doing ok but after the 2-4 drubbing my team got today I'm not so sure,should have stayed at home. 60 mile round trip to watch that rubbish?????? Anyway not too bad up to now. Go for blood test Monday to see how things are working and hopefully things are on the rise.

    Thank's again.


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