
This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  tom 14 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hello again…Had BMB today and will be going back on 13th Jan to get the results.
    Consultant said that my protein level of (7)is not too much of an issue in it'self but because of the pain I'm suffering and the fact that there was a slight difference between my recent Skeletal and the one I had when first diagnosed he wanted to check the Bone Marrow to see what's going on.

    I will also be having more of the usual Blood Tests on 13th to check for any further increases in the Protein levels.

    Will post update when I have more news.

    Healthy and Happy New-Year to all…Keith.



    Hi Kieth, Early Jan is going to be a busy time I go for my post SCT results on the 11th.

    Are you getting a lot of bone pain? Apart from the occasional "stab" from one of my toes I do not seem to have that problem. Mind you my original skeletal survey did not show any lessions apart from a bl**dy great tumour in my neck:-0 .

    kindest regards




    Good luck with all your tests Keith – unlike the lucky Mr Perky… who ONLY had a great big turnip of a tumour on his neck, I had a tumour which had crushed a vertebrae in my lower back and widespread damage, from pitting to opencast mining scattered around my skeleton. Now the reason I mention this is because my consultant told me that nearly every ache and pain I get in between consultancies (8 week) will almost be guaranteed to stem from the residual damage and NOT from the Myeloma.

    I am 9 months post SCT and I do not have cancer. I had cancer (Myeloma) and due to the nature of the beast it is more than likely my cancer will return BUT most of my problems now are due to the residue NOT the cancer per se.

    Hopefully this is also true of your present condition.:-)





    Hi David,in answer to your question about pain I've had different degrees of it since I was first diagnosed just over 3 years ago.
    It usually comes and goes and is'nt too debilitating but this has gone on for around 10 weeks and is much more severe.
    I was originally mis-diagnosed by my GP for 18,months and have had multiple fractures therefore the weakness is already present.

    As to your point Dai I would say I hope you're right but the fact that I'm 2yrs+8mths post SCT and my protein levels have started to show themselves albeit only (7)and I've been in severe discomfort for over 2 months,all of this has sent the alarm bells ringing as it seems to show an all to familiar pattern which is a one of relapse.
    Like I said in an earlier post I'm prepared for the worst but still hope for the best.
    No doubt the BMB and further Blood Screening and scans will reveal all.

    Cheers Guys…Keith.H.



    2 years 8 months wow wow wow. That is excelent. I just hope you are wrong and you are just having a "bad hair week";-)



    Hi Keith
    Good Luck on the BMB and Bloods M8
    But can you tell me what Bone Pain is? is it a sharp stabbing one? is it a constant one,is it like toothache? I ask all this as I have'nt to the best of my knowledge had pain?


    Tom 😎



    Hi Tom,to briefly answer your question yes the pain is constant and occurs all over the upper part of my body in partucular the neck and shoulders.
    It's a perminent ache only interupted with excruciating spasms.
    I get alot of rib,neck and shoulder pain in particular.
    This is because of the fractures I suffered in these areas before my diagnosis 3 years ago.




    Hi Dave…No can't be a bad hair week as I don't have any LOL.
    I shave mine off anyway so the Chemo was no problem for me in that respect.
    Yeah 2.8 is quite a good remission period but we always want more don't we?
    I was really quite ill after the Melphalan and don't look forward to that scenario allover again but if the needs must…..
    When you are dealt this rotten hand of cards you can only play it best way you can.

    Best of Luck on the 11th.




    Thanks for that Keith

    I aways wonder if mine is just doing too much or is it on its way back Oh well bloods soon 🙂


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