Bleeding Gums

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Tina 12 years, 3 months ago.

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    Has anyone experienced Gum problems when on treatment? For the past 2 weeks along with the chest infection my gums have been very sore and then yesterday while flossing my teeth they started to bleed very badly which lasted only a short time but was nevertheless very alarming. Because my platelets are only at 20 this is most likely the cause but surely this must make a platelet transfusion a priority. I will be mentioning it to the ward on Monday when I go for blood tests and pick up my meds for the 6th cycle.




    Hi Keith,

    I have always had rather sensitive gums and have always used the softest bristles available.:-P

    I too have had bleeding gums a few times in the past two years or so… but I don't recall if I was on treatment at the time… probably rather than possibly. An extra flurry of mouthwash regimes has cured it every time so I didn't report it as an ongoing problem.:-)

    You should consider ringing in and reporting it as a problem… ask about the platelet transfusion, telling them that it is bothering you and causing you concern… so on Monday you could look forward to positive action rather than just raising the problem then… because leaving it with them on Monday could easily stretch it for another week or so.:-S

    Your call… but I would make it if I was in your shoes. 😎




    Nope, I have not had bleeding gums in the past three years. I have had dental treatment, a loose filling was replaced, and my usual inpections at which they always "prick" the gums and I have had no prolbems.

    Personally I would side with Dia in this.

    kindest regards – vasbyte (although not to hard in your case;-) )




    Hi Keith

    I have strong gums and teeth 😀 but i was told during treatment to use a soft brush, and i always use mouth wash every time i go to the loo its hand wash and mouth wash, I dont floss that often and my dentist tells me to but :-S

    if in doubt phone hospital 😀

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    Hi Keith,

    Patrick suffered badly with bleeding gums and ulcers in his mouth. Platelet transfusions stopped the problem almost immediately.Yell at the haem team if you have to, you should not have to suffer what is so easily fixed.



    Hi Tina

    Thank's for that,I went to the hospital today to pick up my meds and was told they want me in for a BMB tomorrow to find out why my haemoglobin is low, 8.1 at the last count. Something is going on and they need to find out and quick. As for the Platelets every time I ask at what level is a transfusion required I get a different answer. I've heard below 50,below 30 and mine are currently at 20 and now they say 10 is the level,they either don't know themselves or they are telling me a load of rubbish,either way I'm not happy. One thing I can't stand is opinions I want answers.
    When it's your life on the line it's paramount that the medics are all in agreement.

    Thank you again Tina and give my regards to Patrick.




    Hope you get some action and quick. When Patrick was alive and having treatment I always went with him to see the consultant questioning everything they did and didn't do. I believe I achieved a better standard of treatment behaving this way.




    Oh Tina I'm very sorry I didn't realise Patrick was no longer with us.
    Please accept my apology and do take care of yourself.
    This disease is really horrible and I appreciate you bothering to reply to me after what you have been through.

    My deepest sympathy and kind regards always.




    Hi Keith,

    No problem at all. Anytime I have some useful to say I will be here to support you all.



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