Blood Clot!

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    Hi all,

    My Dad was diagnosed 3years ago now and has put this back into remission twice. On Tuesday he was rushed to hospital with suspected blood clot in his leg. Finally, today it has been confirmed, I’m just wondering if the medication can increase his risk to blood clots and if anyone has dealt with this before? If so any advice.

    Thank you

    Becky x



    Hi Becky

    Sorry to hear that your dad is having problems, hope he gets sorted quickly and makes a full recovery.

    The nurses on the Helpline are probably best placed to advise but I think the answer to your question is yes. In our local myeloma support group there a small number ( all men ) who have had similar problems.

    I have just started treatment myself and have daily blood thinning injections of enoxaparin to prevent clots. So one assumes that this is something which the medics will have on their radar screen.

    I honestly don’t know what the answer is but I try and do as much exercise as I feel I can cope with to keep the circulation moving.

    Hope this helps



    I am a myeloma patient and had a blood clot last year.
    I broke my ankle moving things around and needed a plaster cast. This resulted in me getting a clot which moved to my lung and a trip to the hospital because of the breathing difficulty.
    Once there a couple of days with extra oxygen and some blood thinners I was soon back to normal.
    The doctors were unsurprised by the clot and didn’t seem too concerned as it cleared quite quickly.
    I think clots are a known side effect of some of the myeloma treatment and while it may be worrying at the time in my case there was no lasting damage and I was back at work within a week.
    Good luck with everything



    Apologies for the late response. My myeloma diagnosis resulted from an investigation into the formation of one large blood clot in my right leg that still stretches from my groin to my ankle. Part of it broke off and split into three smaller pieces in February 2019. They lodged into my lungs (bilateral pulmonary embolism). My brother is a doctor. He said I was lucky to survive. If the rogue clot had not broken up, it would have killed me. As a result, I will need to take blood thinners for the rest of my life.



    Sounds like you were lucky I was only in hospital for about 5 days and the clot was removed.
    I have been given the choice and continue to take Apixaban daily. Consultant says that with this chance of another clot is very low and it’s one less thing to worry about



    As I understand it, my clot is too big to be removed surgically due to the structure of the vein with all its valves that stop the flow of blood going the wrong way. The plan is to have the clot dissolve over time, but it seems to be a very slow process. My haematologist said I have about a 15% to 20% chance of having another pulmonary embolism. I was originally on Clexane injections twice a day in the belly. Now, I’m on Apixaban tablets.



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