Blood results

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  fozz 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    After a bit of a battle I have finally managed to get some of my blood results but I don’t know what they mean and now I have an agonising wait until my gastro consultant gets back off her holiday as it was her that ordered the blood tests and my gp doesn’t know what my results mean!!

    All I know is that the IgA is still raised with a monoclonal spike lambda 12

    Can any of you guys on here who know much more about blood and M spikes than gp’s give me any advice or indication if I should be preparing myself for not so good news?

    Many thanks in advance!

    K. xx



    I’ve now had a referral to haematology. I’ve found out that my IgA paraprotein is 12g/L and I believe anything over 10 is for referral. I’m hoping to get the letter with all my results on tomorrow.

    What questions should I be asking the haematologist?




    Hi K

    Your Paraprotein isn’t too high so you may not start on treatment yet.

    You should ask if your blood counts are normal as these affect your ability to ward off infection. Also if there are any problems with your kidneys.

    MUK has a free treatment diary that gives good information about blood results. You can get one by ringing the Help Line.

    Have you had a skeletal survey (series of X-rays) to check for bone damage?

    All very best wishes.



    Thank you for your reply Mavis,

    I’ve not had any x-rays or anything else other than bloods done so far. My bloods showed that I’m slightly anaemic, my white cells are low and my neutrophils are low. There’s no evidence of kidney damage but I do get a lot of kidney infections amongst other infections. I’ve just had 14 days of antibiotics for a chest infection and earlier on in the year I had several courses of antibiotics both oral and IV. I am also getting a lot of pain from my lower rib on the right and pain in my thighs and shoulder on and off.

    Do you think I’ll need a bone marrow biopsy?

    Kath. x



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