Bloody bras and rib pain!

This topic contains 16 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  KWilson 14 years ago.

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    I had just the same problem with bras when I first developed MM. When I was x-rayed, it turned out that I had cracked ribs! Now, my rib cage has 're-set' and it more the shape of a bird cage then a set of ribs (good job I'm not a glamour model eh?)

    I can also relate to the lost weight. I just cannot regain any of mine and I look like an anorexic – all my clothes are falling off – I look as if I've been in my granny's dressing up box. I have bought a couple of smaller sized things to wear when I leave the house but am loathe to replace my whole wardrobe!




    Gaye, it took about 12 weeks for my RT to fully relieve my back pain but the effect has been lasting so it's worth the wait, altho' I hope yours works a bit sooner than that.


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