This topic contains 14 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by eve 11 years, 4 months ago.
Quick question for people in remission.
Do you get periods when areas you've had previous lesions give you a bit of gip, get achey.
Hi Tom,
I have just checked with Phil and the answer from him is yes. Phil has ongoing back pain due to the damage to his vertebrae but today he also has rib pain again. The rib pain is what led to diagnosis and after treatment it disappeared for the most part but still flares up occasionally.
Hi Tom
I still get aches from my back every now and then from standing up for too long the area is from when I had back pain when I was first diagnosed almost 6 years ago.
Hi Tom, all that i can say is that my Mum certainly has an achey feeling some days appear to be worse than others we wondered if it had anything to do with the monthly zometa as well as the damaged sites, so it may be something that unfortunately occurs :-S but after sct i have no knowledge of, guess that it might be another of those individual things?,sorry that i can't be more helpful, take care San x
Hi Tom
The answer to your question in one word is "yes". 🙂
I do get the odd bit of bone or muscle pain now and again, but it's transient and I just accept it as part of the MM experience. 😐
Hi Young Tom
Well I had my SCT in 2009 and to the best of my knowledge never had bone damage ?? but I have pain (ish) problems that vary where and how severe, I am told its all down to "Old Age" for me a bit of arthritis and yes at my tender young age of 58 😛 but hey ho its not MM so am happy (ish)
Stay well and or get well
Tom Onwards and Upwards
ps I have had all the tests re Bloods,scans and xray to rule out MM and they come back as Yeoldage :-S
Hi Tom
Yep, I discovered I had this disease from a broken bone in my lower back. It does ache now and again and I worry about another break but so far just grumbling pain. Its like the peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet. Thats always there and I have just got used to it.
Happy days!!
Hi Tom,
I'm in remission but still have aches and pains, lower back and rib cage. I've never had any broken bones. They did look closely at the rib cage, MRI and x-rays, some 5 years back but could see no problem. Since then the professionals have tended write it off as growing older or not related to MM. One doctor did suggest there could be minute scratches to the rib surface.
I confess the pain is moderate. I think it's always going to be difficult to prove the exact cause of aches.
Hi Tom
All the pains are the same but not as bad back and ribs.
Washing dishes is as painful as digging.
I ask the doctor last year when will the pain go away he seed never.
Went to Portugal after the Manchester info day bad pains after
four days in my lower ribs.
Put it dawn to hands on the back of my head for so long.
Thanks to everyone who has replied.
I'm definetly having a few days of niggles, it makes me a bit paranoid.
After the SCT I had a period where I felt nothing at all.
I had a large plasmacytoma in my right scapula and it did quite a lot of damage to the shoulder blade. My arm and shoulder gets very stiff.
I've also have the odd area on my lower back and rib cage which ping a bit at times too, especially if I'm tired or have been overdoing it at work.
Thanks again
Hi young Tom
I think after a SCT you do worry about anything that hurts,or if feeling ill,I relate it to having to be your own expert on your condition,in time you will get use to it.
As for your bones Tom,the bones get very soft over time,Zometa works well at the beginning ,but as time goes on does not have the same effect,Slim is still on Zometa after 2 3/4 years,
You are getting there Tom,I hope you have lots of nice things in the pipe line to enjoy,make the most of today.Eve
Hi Tom,
I am in remission and I get 'niggles' almost daily, mainly lower back, ribs and hips.My consultant doesn't know why!! I take pain killers on a daily basis at the moment.
All the best,
Hi Charisma4,Lesley,
My wife,Di, has been off chemo for 6 weeks, Valcade,Cyclophosphamide and prenisolone, and now is just on a monthly pamidronate infusion. however she is now waking up at night with severe leg and foot pain. The Phyisio says 'exercise', but at 80 years old and thanks to Myeloma and a bad back is disabled.
The Consultant has no idea why the pain, She did have some peripheral neuropaty through having the Valcade. the pain is mainly centred in the lower leg and foot. Like Tom and Lesley ( All the best to both of you) we would like any info.
Regards Peter.
Hi Tom,
I have bone grumbles on and off EVERY day,turning over in bed has always been painful and still is, at diagnosis the pain was intollerable and I was not in control as on so much pain relief, so much I was offered one large dose of radiotherapy with the 3 chances, a smaller feeling of pain, no change in the feeling of pain at all or in very few cases no pain at all – BUT no guarantee of how long the pain free period would last. I took the gamble and the constant pain has gone but to this day I daily have pain which I now control with paracetamol and rest. I cannot however stand to do washing up, prepare meals, raise my hands to use high placed air dryers in toilets – (so I always use the disabled ones now), sit for longish periods,(always get up with stiffish back and bone grumbles,) walk without either walking stick, shopping trolley or my trusty wheelchair.
I look very well and not at all disabled so have learnt to get used to the looks I get walking pushing my empty wheelchair and then when I have exhausted myself I have to sit in it and be pushed by my full time carer husband. my consultant and physio's i have been under tell me some exercise is important, this myeloma is so individual and I cannot work, even housework is beyond me, I am only 55 now BUT having decided after reading this site that my life had not actually ended as feared at diagnosis in July 2011, so much so I have this year flown to New York, been caravanning in Cornwall with my hubby accepting my very limited capabilities which are very frustrating and just returned from visiting our youngest daughter in Western Australia, accepting the next two days after flying were painful but worth it.
I feel very grateful for all the support ,treatment and now my husband and I are just making the most of our not forseen early retirement!
Almost forgot – pain worst in the cold, and of course always worried about coughs, colds and falling over for fear of breaking bones!!!
Every day is a gift, onwards and upwards,just 2 of the inspirational thoughts from here,
Hi Babs
Nice to see you arrived home safely ,wonderful photo,wishing you well,worth a few bone grumbles to be in remission, and free of the drugs.
Wishing you well Eve
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