Both my mum and dad had multiple myeloma

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    Am 43 and both my mum and dad had multiple myeloma. Dad lived for 11 years with the disease and multiple cycles and mum lived for 5 months after her diagnosis. Am their only daughter and I have heard that there are chances that I may one day get diagnosed too. I don’t want that like my mum it gets diagnosed when it’s too late. What tests can I ask my GP or private GP to do for me ?



    Hi. I too worry somewhat as my mother in law passed away with multiple myeloma and I gave it too. My wife and I have two sons and although nothing is ssid about this disease being more transferable to children if there is myeloma on both sides of the family, they do have blood tests every 6 months. This way, if there do show signs, then it will be caught early.




    The question of inheritability was raised at the Myeloma UK Patient Information Day last weekend. Professor Graham Jackson, clinical advisor to Myeloma UK, said it’s like having 3 or 4 tickets in the lottery, as opposed to a single ticket. Having family members with the disease does increase your chances of developing it, but you are still very unlikely to do so.
    In USA there has been a study going for the past few years testing family members over 40. This may shed light on the most effective way to catch myeloma early.
    The fact that you are aware of potential symptoms of myeloma will help you seek testing should any occur. The crucial test (which doesn’t catch everyone, but does the majority) is electrophoresis testing that shows a spike of Monoclonal protein.



    The USA study is the PROMISE study. I’m not sure if any interim results have been published, I can see it is still recruiting though.

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