Hello June,
I seem to be one year behind you as it was in December 2018 when I had my Autologous STC and since then, I have received around six zometa infusions which again I have every month. I too am 66 and am currently feeling really well. So well that I now only see my consultant every 3 months instead of every 2 months. This is mainly because my Paraprotein level has dropped to zero, which I am over the moon about.
As we will no doubt both agree, the whole process is pretty brutal but for me at the moment it has been all worth while.
I too feel tired at times but not fatigued. A quick sit down and some times a nap puts me back on track. I have not noticed any serious issue with forgettng things or not rememebering words, but know that this has happend at times where I put it down to the age I am. My wife tells me that I forget what she has told me but I have done this for the last 45 years and assume it is somewhat a male thing….
I would not say that I now lead a very physically active life but do keep mentally busy. I enjoy reading, finance issues, computing with some programming, so my grey cells are certainly very active. My previous background prior to retirement was aeronautical engineering, so I spend time in my garage pottering on projects which I have set myself.
I personally think that you are doing the right thing in keeping as you say, your brain active as much as possible which has to help. Try not to worry and just go with the flow. I wish as I do everyone else with Myeloma, all the very best.
Kind regards,