Bristol SCT

This topic contains 30 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Helen 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi Vicki
    I think, like everything about this illness, that it is not possible to predict how each individual will be in any given circumstance, so it's best to take each situation as it comes and not build up your hopes too much. As I live so close to our hospital I was going to be almost a day case patient, in and out on alternate days, as it turned out, despite being as fit as a lop beforehand, I had every post sct complication in the book and instead of the predicted 3 month recovery, took almost a full year for all the problems to settle to a tolerable level. All the drugs I've had have had a more severe and longer lasting effect than predicted, and no one knows if this is a good thing or not, we are all so different.
    I'm on a phased return to work, 16 hours this week, I'm totally shattered, came home after 4 hours today and had 3 hours sleep, now off to bed again. I don't know if it gets easier, wait and see I suppose. it's funny to think of Colin being exactly a year behind me, makes me think of all the things I was going through then!

    Got to get up 20 minutes earlier to fix the hair:-)
    Love Helen

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