Can’t sleep

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  linsey 1 year, 1 month ago.

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    Hi, I am on cycle 3 of DVD and a really struggling with sleep issues after the dex. I have treatment on Saturdays at Macmillan cancer centre and usually get about 2 hrs Saturday, Sunday and Monday then am so tired for the rest of the week I can barely do anything. I think I have tried just about everything (yoga, relaxation podcasts, sleep tea, no caffeine, routine, early morning walk, lavender pillow spray, warm shower before bed, no phone- probably other things which I can’t remember but I have a lot of time to google!!) I take a couple of paracetamol before bed to ease leg pains/restless legs/cramp which affects me when overtired- if anyone has any suggestions would love to hear them. I just can’t switch my brain off after the steroids. Thanks



    Hi Linsey
    Snap! I am also on cycle 3 of DVD. I am not having problems getting to sleep whilst on the dex, although I do wake up early on the day after my second dose, at about 5 am with my mind going from subject to subject, knowing further sleep just isnt going to happen. This of course is much more manageable and bearable than the problems you are having. I eliminated sugar from my diet on the basis that dex causes spikes in blood sugar, and that dietary sugar will exacerbate the effect. I’m trying to stabilise my blood sugar levels. I believe this is the reason why I’m not having problems with sleep- although it could be just co-incidence. I stopped eating sugar (except in fruit) before starting DVD once I knew I was relapsing and would be prescribed Dex again, so I’m not sure how long it would take to notice any benefits.



    Hi Mulberry, thanks for getting in touch, nice to hear from you.
    I’m pretty sure it’s mostly the dex that affects my sleep although I wasn’t sleeping too well before I started the chemo anyway with restless legs and cramps! Probably partly menopause!!
    I think if I didn’t have any sugar I might as well give up on life 😂😊 although I get where you’re coming from with the diet, my renal function has been not that good due to the amount of diuretics I need to take to help my breathlessness but I decided to cut out meat most days as protein isn’t great for kidneys and my GFR has gone up over the last 2 weeks from under 50 to low 60’s which I’m really happy with. I was asked to keep an eye on it anyway but will be tracking that with my diet! Are you working along with your chemo? I had to stop this time but would like to do something – when I feel ok I feel guilt about not working then some days I know I couldn’t do it!

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