I hope your father’s treatment is going Ok with VDC. I started my first relapse treatment of VDC about the same time as your dad. I have experienced a range of various side effects, but fortunately have not experienced a headache.
Both the Velcade and/or the dex might be responsible for his headaches. If you look on the Myeloma Beacon website under their discussion forum section and type in dex headache or velcade headache, there are a range of discussion topics under these two headings which might be useful for you to read and discuss with your father as regards pain relief medication which can be prescribed to help manage headaches.
Your father should take the opportunity to discuss his side effects with his consultant at his next consultant’s visit, or his myeloma nurse. They will have a wealth of experience and be able to advise him on the best course of action to help with the relief from the headache pain together with any other side effects.
I hope your father’s treatment works well and manages to reduce his myeloma markers. I have began to suffer with more fatigue during the second cycle of the treatment and look forward to next week’s rest from the drugs. Dex has kept me wide awake last night and no doubt tonight, but I know that I will be exhausted for the next three days catching up with lack of sleep. My PN has been a lot better since the dose of Velcade was reduced to try to contain any nerve damage.