Hi Josie,
I’m sorry to hear about your symptoms, waiting for an appointment like this is a horrible thing to endure. Of course, until you have that appointment, and some tests such as a bone marrow biopsy and a PET or MRI scan, you won’t know your diagnosis, but it’s natural to look into the likely meaning.
In 2019, I was diagnosed with myeloma, following a few months of bone pain and a blood test showing a low white cell count and high protein levels. Myeloma has many sub-types, some relating to light chains and others to IgA, IgG or IgM immunoglobulins (para-proteins).
Rather than getting bogged down in the figures and uncertainty, I would just say that myeloma is a very treatable disease. After a few months of treatment where the main side-effect is fatigue, you can get back to normal life. For most of us when we’re diagnosed, it feels like a death sentence, but in fact life does return. Generally, patients expect to have some more treatment each few years, and there are many different treatment options available. So, do hold on to hope, there’s lots that can be done and you can look forward to getting back to an active and worthwhile life.
Do give the infoline a call, or reach out to us on the forum, we’re here for you and we know what a shock it is to be somewhere like this.
Best wishes,
Rich 👍