Confused, worried, can anyone help

This topic contains 16 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  gcoulter 9 years ago.

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  • #127080


    Hi Jane

    Are you on Facebook? I think there’s quite a lively Myeloma page on there  where someone may be able to help you.

    Also have you tried speaking to the Myeloma  UK Helpline nurses ( number above) – they would have good advice.

    Good luck for tomorrow – are you seeing a myeloma specialist? I am monitored by a general haematology clinic at the moment but I know if I needed to make decisions about (possible) treatment I would ask to be referred to a specialist centre. Again the Helpline nurses have a list of these.

    C xx




    My wife has been monitored for almost two years now and they’ve been keeping a particular eye on her renal function. Although her protein level is high they didn’t want to start treatment until it was affecting something.

    She was advised to drink 21/2 to 3 litres of water a day. She initially found this hard and this reflected in her blood test results. However she then got into a routine and her first test after this showed how effective this was. As she walked in the door the consultant said, “I see you’ve been drinking more water”. She’s kept this up since.

    Initially she found it difficult to remember how much she had taken on any particular day, is this glass number 4/5/6? So she started filling a large jug each morning, and poured glasses from this, so she knew how much she had taken or still had to take.

    We now know why the doctors and nurses emphasised this so much!

    I hope your appointment went well.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by  gcoulter.
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