Constant sickness

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  millie12 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi all, just wondering if anyone has had the same or similar side effect.  I had 5 cycles of vct last year and on the 6th cycle started to be sick.  I lost 2 stone and have been in and out of hospital since.  I am now being fed via a tube and liquid feed as I cannot keep anything down.  The doctors think the chemo may have caused nerve damage in the tummy as food is not passing through at a normal rate.  It has been a constant nightmare and there has been no respite day or night.  Looking to see if there is a light at the end of tunnel.  It has stopped me from having my sct.



    Hello Millie,

    I had VTD (not VCT), for a full 8 month’s cycles.  And the only real (but significant) side effect was tummy trouble; going to the loo.  This lasted for at least 5 to 6 months after the final treatment (no sct).  It was unpleasant at the time, but manageable with loperamide, but then, as quickly as it started, it stopped.  The doctors did loads of tests, scans, colonoscopys… but all clear, and they said the chemo had probably accelerated the rate (for some reason) of solids passing through the gut, but frankly, they couldn’t be sure.  Which is fair enough.

    With no sct, and apart from one blip + a short maintenance dose of CoDex; all is back to normal with good tests;  so I reckon there will be light at the end of the tunnel for you, and hopefully this will be very, very soon.

    I suppose you’ve had anti-sickness pills, and that they make no difference??  And are there any solid food alternatives that don’t make you feel sick?

    Best wishes, and I hope things clear up quickly…




    Hi Millie

    Your sickness sounds awful. I had similar symptoms after SCT. Maybe cyclophosphamide caused damage to your guts like mephalan did to my stomach? I felt sick all the time, day and night, and no anti-nausea pill helped (although domperidone might have helped a bit, you could also try dexamethasone). To be able to sleep I had a sleeping pill every night. Days I had to struggle through. It lasted about 6 weeks and after that it slowly got better. Really hoping yours will get better soon. Best of luck



    Thanks, hopefully it will stop soon.

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